WWE NXT Results: Superstar calls out WWE Legend; Jinder Mahal gets NXT Title shot - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (February 21, 2023)
Trick Williams kicked off NXT and challenged Ilja Dragunov to a match to prove himself.
WWE NXT Results (February 21, 2023): Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams
Williams came in with a cheap shot before the match started, and after the bell, Dragunov took him down with a headlock. Williams got a jab to the eye before taking a few knees in the corner.
Trick sent Ilja outside before JD McDonagh came out and joined the commentary team. Dragunov got some running knees before getting a knee drop and the Torpedo Moskau for the win.
Result: Ilja Dragunov def. Trick Williams
Grade: B
Fallon Henley left a message for Brooks Jensen to apologize for ruining Valentine's Day.
Roxanne Perez joined Meiko Satomura in a training session before Tyler Bate made his entrance.
Tyler Bate was out next and said that he would be joining the USA roster full-time. He was about to talk about embarking on a mystical journey when the Schism showed up.
Joe Gacy tried to tell Tyler to join them before Gacy accused him of leaving his family behind in the UK. They gave Thea Hail a sneak peek at being a part of their group and wondered if Bate wanted the same.
A brawl broke out and Chase U came out to help Bate before we headed for the following match.
Chase U vs. The Dyad on NXT
Chase U started off strong, but the Dyad turned it around and isolated Chase in the ring. Hudson came in and got some big suplexes before he was dragged down to the floor, and Reid hit a big dive on him.
Andre came back in and got a swinging neckbreaker before getting the 'Chase U' kicks. Hudson was tagged in while Ava Raine went after Thea Hail at ringside. Chase went after Ava and left Hudson alone in the ring before the Dyad hit the double code breaker on Duke and picked up the win.
Result: The Dyad def. Chase U
Grade: B
Tony D'Angelo and Stacks tried to get Von Wagner to agree to a match. Robert Stone tried to get Von to refuse, but the Tony and Stacks made fun of him before Wagner got annoyed and accepted the match.
Drew Gulak was backstage and said that he was there to find the best of the best, and Hank Walker didn't fit the bill, but Charlie Dempsey did.
Jacy Jayne vs. Indi Hartwell on NXT
Jayne was in control early on and got some strikes in before locking in a side headlock. Hartwell came back with a spinebuster and got a near fall before she was sent into the ring post.
Jayne hit a cannonball before kicking Indi down in the corner. Jayne was about to finish the match when Gigi Dolin attacked her from behind and chased her down to the backstage area.
Result: Jacy Jayne def. Indi Hartwell via DQ on NXT
Grade: B-
Gallus vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade on NXT
Malik Blade took a beating and was isolated in the ring early on before Pretty Deadly came out with a big cake.
Enofe was tagged in off the distraction and hit a dive to the outside and an elbow drop in the ring for a near fall.
Gallus came back and got the takedown before getting the finisher on Blade for the win.
Result: Gallus def. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade
Pretty Deadly wanted to celebrate the anniversary of Gallus losing to them, but they got attacked by the latter team. Pretty Deadly came back with chairs and beat up Gallus before driving them into the ring steps and posing with the tag team titles.
Grade: C
Dabba Kato got a video promo where he accused Apollo Crews of leaving him behind, and now he wanted revenge.
Stevie Turner was back and talked up Lyra Valkyra, still pretending to be live streaming.
Von Wagner vs. Tony D'Angelo on NXT
Wagner took Tony into the corner before the Don came back with some strikes of his own. Tony took a big boot and went down before Wagner was distracted and started yelling at Mr. Stone at ringside.
Wagner tried for a splash in the corner, but Tony dodged it. The Don got some strikes and hit a spinebuster before getting the Flatliner for the win.
Result: Tony D'Angelo def. Von Wagner
After the match, Tony got on the mic and challenged Dijak to a Jailhouse Street Fight match at NXT Roadblock.
Grade: B-
Nikkita Lyons was backstage and said that she had no idea who attacked her. Tiffany Stratton came in to make fun of her before we saw Ivy Nile head out for her match.
Alba Fyre vs. Ivy Nile on NXT
Fyre had control of the match early on and Nile came back with some big strikes before kicking Alba into the corner.
Nile got a near fall off a counter before taking a superkick to the face. Fyre hit the Gory Bomb and picked up the easy win.
Result: Alba Fyre def. Ivy Nile
Grade: C
Fallon Henley apologized to Kiana James, and they worked out their issues before shaking hands.
Bron Breakker (c) vs. Jinder Mahal - NXT Title match
Jinder got some big moves early on before they both took each other out with clotheslines. Indus Sher tried to interfere, and the Creed Brothers came out and attacked them before we headed for a break.
Back on NXT, Jinder sent Bron outside and into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Jinder got a suplex and a running knee before Bron got the Frankensteiner. Jinder tried for the Khallas, but Bron reversed it into a spear for the win.
Result: Bron Breakker def. Jinder Mahal to retain NXT Title
Grade: B
Grayson Waller was in the production truck and invited Shawn Michaels to the Grayson Waller Effect before NXT went off the air.
Episode rating: B
We got a big title match to close out the show tonight on NXT, while Grayson Waller invited Shawn Michaels to his show.