
WWE NXT results, video highlights, and analysis - 24 April 2019

Could Adam Cole be on the hit list of the King of Bros?
Could Adam Cole be on the hit list of the King of Bros?

Last week, the Undisputed Era interrupted Johnny Gargano's NXT Championship celebration. After years of grinding, Gargano finally captured the one title that avoided him, making him the first ever NXT Triple Crown Champion.

Adam Cole wouldn't allow Gargano to soak in the spotlight, as he and the rest of the Era jumped Gargano, beating him down at the beginning of the show. Tonight, Gargano looked to get some much-needed revenge by taking on Roderick Strong, the man that threw the first strike last week. 

Jaxson Ryker w/The Forgotten Sons vs Humberto Carrillo

Ryker's power was overwhelming at the beginning of this matchup. Carrillo attempted to outmanoeuvre his larger opponent but had a hard time getting away from his grasp. A springboard kick allowed him to create some space, and he took Ryker out with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors and a handspring back elbow.

Ryker broke out of the pin and launched Carrillo into the corner with an arm drag. He left the cruiserweight in the tree of woe, beating him down with some rough forearm smashes. The Widow Maker spinebuster forced him to roll outside. However, Ryker didn't let up, sending him careening into the barricade. Eventually, Ryker tossed him into the audience as the Sons cheered him on. As he continued to beat down Carrillo, the ref rang the bell.

Results: No contest.

Carrillo was saved from the Forgotten Sons by Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan, keeping them at bay with a pair of steel chairs. Lorcan checked on him while Burch watched his back. 

Adam Cole was interrupted during a photoshoot and asked how he felt about Roderick Strong getting an opportunity against Johnny Gargano tonight. Cole said that, while he felt he should be in the match, he was confident in Strong's abilities and believed he would easily overcome Gargano. The camera panned over to Matt Riddle, who called out Cole for being jealous of his friend and stablemate.

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