
WWE NXT Results: Violent end to grudge match; injured superstar returns - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (May 9, 2023)

WWE NXT kicked off with a recap of Indi Hartwell relinquishing her title last week, and we headed right away for the first match of the tournament to crown the new NXT Women's champ.

WWE NXT Results (May 9, 2023): Gigi Dolin vs. Tiffany Stratton - NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Match

Stratton started strong and hit a big double stomp before trying for an armbar. She stomped on Dolin's arm before Dolin sidestepped a tackle and got some lariats and a kick.

Stratton came back with double knees and an elbow drop before Gigi tried to take her down with a submission hold. Tiffany rolled through and broke the hold before going up top for the moonsault and got the win.

Result: Tiffany Stratton def. Gigi Dolin

Grade: B

Gallus vs. The Dyad on NXT - NXT Tag Team Championship match

The teams started fighting before the bell, and Gallus was in control after the match officially began. Fowler was tagged in and got control with superkicks and big boots, but Gallus sent Reid into the corner and hit a big splash.

Gallus was about to get their finisher, but a distraction from Ava Raine allowed the Dyad to counter it with a DDT. Ivy Nile attacked Raine at ringside before Gallus hit their finisher and picked up the win.

Result: Gallus def. The Dyad to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship

Grade: D

With Andre Chase still out of action, Duke Hudson was running Chase U and had lesson plans, tests, and everything. Javier Bernal came in to make fun of them, but Duke booked a match with him.

On the way back from a break, we saw a short video of a hooded person watching tapes of the recent attacks on the superstars before heading ringside.

Duke Hudson vs. Javier Bernal on NXT

Bernal tried to get Duke into the corner, but Hudson pushed him down to the match instead. Javier left the ring and came back to get the advantage for a bit, but Duke turned it around and hit a big hip toss.

Duke hit some big strikes and a sidewalk slam before getting a lariat and a senton. Bernal took a German Suplex before Duke got his Razor's Edge finisher and picked up the win.

Result: Duke Hudson def. Javier Bernal

Grade: C

Von Wagner and Robert Stone were getting along backstage, and the latter brought up the baby photo from before. Wagner refused to answer, got angry, and beat up a bystander before storming off.

Damon Kemp vs. Eddy Thorpe on NXT

Thorpe started strong and hit a crossbody and some chops before Kemp got a suplex off a counter and got a near fall. Kemp hit a rolling senton before Thorpe returned with big strikes and a splash in the corner.

Eddy got the Single Leg Boston Crab before Kemp got to the ropes and broke it up. Thorpe took a kick to the face before kicking down Kemp as well. Thorpe went for the diving elbow drop and picked up the win.

Result: Eddy Thorpe def. Damon Kemp

Grade: C

Bron Breakker was backstage and said he would send Trick Williams to the same hospital where he sent Melo.

.@bronbreakkerwwe just sent @Carmelo_WWE quite the warning 😬

#WWENXT https://t.co/KHDwCTKtpF

Donovan Dijak vs. Ilja Dragunov on NXT

Dragunov went for some big chops in the corner early on before hitting a dive. Ilja went up top again, but Dijak dropped him outside. Back in the ring, Dijak came back with some big strikes and got a near-fall off a big boot.

Outside the ring, Dijak got a steel chair. The ref tried to stop him before he flung the official across the ring and beat Ilja with the chair. The ref called off the match before Dijak continued his assault and sent Dragunov into the ring post, the apron, and finally trapped him under the steel steps and stood on it.

Result: Ilja Dragunov def. Donovan Dijak via DQ

Grade: B

Backstage, Wes Lee thanked Tyler Bate for the help next week. He offered Tyler help tonight before walking out together.

Tyler Bate vs. Charlie Dempsey on NXT

Bate got a big suplex and a moonsault before Dempsey tried to get the Full Nelson in. We got a suplex from Dempsey before Bate countered out of some submission moves and kicked Charles in the face.

Joe Gacy came out at ringside, and Gulak ran over to him and Wes Lee before Bate hit a big dive on him. Bate was about to finish the match, but Drew distracted the ref, and Gacy hit a cheap shot on Tyler before Dempsey hit his finisher for the win.

Result: Charlie Dempsey def. Tyler Bate

Complete chaos to end this match 😳

But in the end, #CharlieDempsey steals one against #TylerBate!

#WWENXT https://t.co/6sWYX34bkR

Grade: B-

Melo was at the barber shop and saw the promo from Bron before walking out and heading to ringside to help Trick.

.@Carmelo_WWE is out of here. https://t.co/swyNB2ojpJ

Briggs & Jensen vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger on NXT

Briggs was taking a beating right off the bat as the newcomers isolated him. He got out of it and made the tag before they got some double-team moves on Hank Walker.

Tank came in and took some big shots and a boot to the face before spitting out what looked like a tooth. Briggs went for the Heart Attack finisher and picked up the win.

Result: Briggs and Jensen def. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Grade: B

Noam Dar was on a monitor backstage and invited Dragon Lee to his talk show Supernova Sessions.

Nathan Frazer was in a news-like segment called Hard Hitting Truths and talked about Noam Dar's talk show that would return next week. He said Dar treats his Heritage Cup trophy like a baby, but he might lose it soon.

Kiana James vs. Lyra Valkyria - NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Match

Valkyria started strong and got near falls before they countered each other's submission holds. James took a botched Rana/arm drag before Lyra was sent into the ring post from the apron.

After a break, Lyra tossed James outside the ring and hit a big dropkick through the ropes. Jame back with a knee strike and got a powerbomb for a near fall. Lyra hit a spinning kick and picked up the win.

Result: Lyra Valkyria def. Kiana James

Grade: B

Tony D and Stacks were at Gallus' bar and demanded a title match. The two teams had a staredown, and the Don had to leave since the Gallus boys outnumbered them.

Bron Breakker vs. Trick Williams on NXT

Williams unloaded on Bron right off the bell and took him outside and near the announcement desk. Bron countered into a suplex and dropped Trick on the desk before getting some big strikes back in the ring.

Trick got a near-fall off a takedown before Breakker took some kicks to the face but managed to hit a spear. Breakker got the Recliner locked in before Williams tapped out.

Result: Bron Breakker def. Trick Williams

Breakker attacked Williams after the match and locked in the Recliner before Hayes came back and rushed him in the ring. Breakker countered the attack and took him down with a spear before taking the NXT Title and taunting Melo with it.

Grade: B+

Episode rating: B

We got two big tournament matches for the women's title, while Bron Breakker took on Trick Williams in the main event.

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