WWE NXT Roadblock Results: Champion stretchered away after collapsing; RAW star invades NXT - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (March 7, 2023)
Tifanny Stratton gave us a rundown of tonight's show before NXT: Roadblock kicked off with the first match of the night.
NXT: Roadblock Results: Dijak vs. Tony D’Angelo - Jailhouse Street Fight
Dijak and D'Angelo headed outside early on, and the latter found a baton that he used on his opponent. They fought over to the jail cell before making their way back to the ring. Tony took a chokeslam onto a chair before he hit Dijak with a slam on top of some more chairs.
After a break on NXT, Dijak put Tony through a table before trying to lock him inside the jail cell. Stacks got involved, and Tony beat Dijak with a chair before the Don got a crowbar. Stacks took the Feast Your Eyes before Tony beat him down into the cell with the crowbar to pick up the win.
Result: Tony D’Angelo def. Dijak
Grade: B
Josh Briggs was backstage and walked up to Kiana James to talk to her on behalf of Brooks Jensen. Briggs explained how Jensen was afraid of making the wrong move, and Kiana agreed to set up another date with Brooks.
Gallus were out on NXT and called out Pretty Deadly before the latter appeared from the crowd. The Deadly wanted their tag titles back, and Coffey asked them to come and take them before they approached the ring.
Gallus let them know that the match wouldn't be tonight before a brawl broke out, and Deadly ended up taking a beating.
Bron Breakker & The Creed Brothers vs. Indus Sher on NXT: Roadblock
The match started before the bell, and Veer and Bron were in the ring brawling before the bell was rung. Bron got a big lariat before tagging the Creeds, who took down Sanga.
Jinder came in and took a suplex before getting a near fall off a knee on Julius. Brutus came in and cleared the apron before Mahaan took a Banazi Drop. Brutus got the Brutus Bomb and an Olympic slam before tagging Breakker in.
Bron wiped Sanga out and tagged the Creeds, who hit the Brutus Bomb Doomsday Device on Veer for the win.
Result: Bron Breakker & The Creed Brothers def. Indus Sher
Grade: B
Grayson Waller was out next, and Shawn Michaels was his guest on the Grayson Waller Effect. HBK asked why Waller hated him, and Grayson said that he wanted to be the number one guy in NXT, but Shawn was holding him back.
Grayson made excuses about every loss before Shawn said that he was just looking for someone to blame for his own shortcomings. They talked about Michaels' role on the show before HBK warned Waller not to come after his brand.
HBK said that he would love to take Waller down at Stand and Deliver, but there was someone who wanted it a lot more. HBK said that Waller would be facing Johnny Gargano from RAW, and the latter came out and rushed to the ring before NXT moved on.
Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne on NXT: Roadblock
Gigi Dolin started off strong and sent Jacy outside before Jayne tried to run into the crowd, but Dolin dragged her back to ringside. Jacy got a rolling elbow before getting a steel chair, but it was Dolin who hit her with the chair off a counter.
Jacy was in control after a break on NXT and hit a few kicks before getting a senton for a near fall. Gigi got a roundhouse kick before taking a neckbreaker. Gigi kicked out of a senton before getting the Cobra Twist Slam for the win.
Result: Gigi Dolin def. Jacy Jayne
After the match, Jacy attacked Gigi from behind and wrapped a steel chair around her neck before officials came out to stop her.
Grade: B
Briggs and Jensen were talking to Fallon Henley, and they found out that someone sent Kiana James flowers, and it wasn't Jensen. Henley and Briggs were curious about whit couldit be from, while Jensen went to take a phone call from James.
Bron Breakker walked out to the ring and called Carmelo Hayes out before challenging him to a title match. It turns out both of them were following each other's careers and hoping for a match. They set up a title match for NXT: Stand and Deliver before the show moved on.
Thea Hail was learning how to meditate with Tyler Bate, but Duke Hudson wasn't convinced that it was of any use.
Andre Chase vs. Joe Gacy on NXT: Roadblock
Gacy got an early near fall off a vertical brainbuster before Chase broke out of a big slam and took Joe down for the Chase U kicks. Chase got a uranage for a near fall before Gacy hit one of his own.
The two beat each other down in the middle of the ring before Chase was almost hit with a superplex but turned it into the middle rope powerbomb. Thea Hail went and confronted The Schism before high-fiving Chase.
Chase was hyped, but Gacy used the distraction to hit the springboard clothesline for the win.
Result: Joe Gacy def. Andre Chase
Grade: B-
Thea was happy about being able to face her fears of the Schism and Chase was happy for her, but Duke was very angry about the loss and called the stable a joke before storming off.
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Meiko Satomura - NXT Women's Title match on NXT: Roadblock
Satomura got the first takedown and locked in a headlock before Perez sent her outside but missed the dive. Satomura caught her in a kneebar before Roxanne countered it but took some huge strikes from the challenger.
Perez took some more shots before countering with a dragon screw and some elbows in the corner. Roxanne sent Meiko outside but was caught on the top rope. Perez tried for a rope-assisted powerbomb but missed.
Meiko got a dive from the top, but Perez got her knees up. Meiko went for kicks and attempted an Axe Kick, but Roxanne countered it and rolled Meiko up to retain her title.
Result: Roxanne Perez def. Meiko Satomura to retain the NXT Women's Title
After the match, Satomura handed Roxy the title as a show of respect, and as she was about to help the champ up, Perez collapsed in the ring. Officials and medics came out and wheeled her awayonn a stretcher as NXT went off the air.
Grade: A
Show rating: B
We got an appearance from Johnny Gargano on NXT: Roadblock tonight while Roxanne Perez passed out after her title match.