
WWE Payback 2015: 3 Possible endings for Bray Wyatt vs. Ryback match

Ryback will take on the Eater of the Worlds at Payback

Despite having some solid potential, WWE waited till the last minute to make the Bray Wyatt vs. Ryback match official. While on one side it shows the company’s laziness in booking feuds for Payback, on the other, the Ryback – Bray confrontation lets the imagination run wild.

The feud is indeed a big step down for Bray from what he was doing a couple of months back. Ryback, meanwhile, will probably see this as a platform to prove his haters wrong. To be frank, this match will be incredibly hard for WWE to book as far as the in-ring action goes but the ending part is not a big headache at all. So here is a look at the possible climaxes that this match could have at Payback.

The reunion

Will they join hands once again?

Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are officially back together and the fans would love to see the entire family reuniting soon. In the Ryback vs. Bray match, there is a certain need for the company to protect both superstars, so letting the Wyatt family reunite at the expense of a straight result is probably the best climax for the match.

Harper and Rowan could come out towards the end of the match and take out Ryback. This would give The Big Guy a win via disqualification while Bray remains protected as well. Along with this, WWE will have a great stable back together in their roster.

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