
WWE RAW 2nd May 2016: 6 and a half Points to Note

Stephanie McMahon on the Ambrose Asylum

At Payback a few things were made clear- Roman reigns is certainly a big match player, AJ Styles will continue to be in the main event picture, Ryback has a lot of potential with this heel gimmick, Charlotte will still use her father’s influence and the McMahon siblings are still fighting for control.

The siblings kicked off Raw all pumped up, trying to put on a collaborative show and also trying very hard to upstage each other. Stephanie was all smiles still, reluctantly so, and also being her snarky self. She had a peace offering in the form of a reconstructed photo frame of Shane with his father that Vince McMahon actually had broken on the Road to Wrestlemania.

She was all smiles, even letting her brother go first, listening to the audience’s response to him, with all his ideas.  Here are the 5 points to note from this show-

#1 The Kick Off

Shane McMahon made Cesaro and Owens fight again

Kevin Owens is a great heel. He is so good on the mic. He walked in blatantly to interrupt Shane McMahon, the babyface authority figure that he loathes, and speak on and on about how lovely it is to see the siblings working together. And of course, he did not bother one bit about the reaction of the audience and what they had to say.

He wanted to be in the Intercontinental title picture and reclaim his contractual re-match. Cesaro came out to interrupt that thought as he was basically distracted off his match because of the rivalry between Zayn and Owens. Shane McMahon repeated his idea of having Owens face Cesaro again to determine the number one contender.

Cesaro won but chaos ensued afterwards where Zayn came to make the save for the Swiss Superman while he was beaten down by Miz and Owens, thus making it clear he wants the title too.

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