
WWE RAW: 5 Reasons why Randy Orton may have turned babyface in Manchester 

Why do you think Randy Orton became a good guy?
Why do you think Randy Orton became a good guy?

Life may not be as simple as black and white, but I certainly think that the world of WWE is that simple. There are good guys, and there are bad guys, and Randy Orton has excelled at being a heel for most of his career.

But this week, we saw him team up with Ricochet and Humberto Carillo in the main event of the night, as the three men took on The OC. The question of whether he was a true babyface or not was answered when he delivered an RKO to AJ Styles.

Why did WWE decide to change one of their biggest heels into a babyface in the United Kingdom? I do believe that I have the answer and I'm going to illustrate the same in the five pages that follow.

I invite you guys to leave a comment below, ladies and gentlemen.

#5 Fans cheer for the RKO even when Randy Orton is a heel

There are only certain characters against whom Randy Orton can work as a heel, very honestly. Orton has arguably the most popular finisher in the current roster, and the audience is always waiting to see how the next one will be delivered. When he's taking on someone like Ali or Cedric Alexander, chances are that the crowd in attendance is rooting for The Viper.

You notice the same thing with Ric Flair's run towards the end of his WCW career. Even if he was working as a heel, because of his sheer longevity in the business, the audience was almost always on his side.

Maybe a babyface Randy Orton may even be cheered against Brock Lesnar if he challenges The Beast for his title. Randy Orton is a big man in a generation of smaller Superstars and connects easily with the casual WWE fanbase.

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