
WWE RAW November 11 - On the mic: Best quotes

“I think they’re chanting “Randy’s boring.”- Lawler

“Quite an international flavor to this match.”- Lawler on the 3 man tag team match between Los Metadores, Santino and 3 MB.

“Wayne Rooney was a Matador. Then he got into Manchester United.”- JBL

“What potential? He’s the Intercontinental champion. You’re talking like he’s a kid from the independent circuit.”- JBL

“Wait. No Zack Ryder action figure? Are you serious, bro?”- Ryder

“WWE Universe loves me.”- JBL

“We damn sure don’t work for you.”- Reigns to Orton.

“You call yourself a journalist?”- JBL to Cole.

“This land is full of imperialists, it’s full of soccer thuds and it’s full of evil monarchs and it’s also full of people who found the antics of Mr. Bean hilarious.”- Zeb Colter

“It used to be said that the sun never set on the British Empire. Sadly to say today, the sun never rises.”- Colter

“He’s got a face only mommy can love.”- R-Truth

“The splash to go with the wave.”- JBL

“I see that tickles the fancy of your obviously limited imaginations.”- Paul Heyman.

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