WWE RAW on the mic: Best quotes

Randy Orton was rude to his home crowd
“The people of St. Louis aren’t that bright.” – Randy Orton. Finally, a heel who does not even spare his hometown.
“I’m gonna kick that pretty head from those pretty shoulders”- HBK
“Didn’t he carry a blanket for Charlie Brown?”- Cole confusing a warrior’s name for Linus in the comic strip, Peanuts.
“I never thought that a walrus will refer to Punk as a weasel”- Maddox
“Cuff him and stuff him”- JBL on the Big Show
“He’s back from injury months before schedule.”- Cole on you know who.
“They’ve literally taken the bull by the horn.”- Lawler
“With my power and support Triple H is the WWE”- Stephanie
“I love how the crowd chants ‘Goldberg’ when Ryback is out. The new Goldberg DVD is out.”- Lawler. OH BAH GAWD! He did not just say that.
“They call themselves Los Metadores but I call them Los Illegals.”- Colter
“Christopher Columbus did not discover America.” Cole to King
“AJ’s having a conversation with her title. Don’t talk Michael, I wanna hear what she’s saying.”- JBL
“3:16…3:16”- Paul Heyman on the time left on the clock but that sure seemed like a shout out to Austin.
“You are a typical American History Textbook. You leave out a lot of facts.”- Cole to JBL
“They beat the gold out of Goldust’s face”- King
“Everybody’s out of the ring. Chaos.”- Cole about the main event
“Big Show came rumbling through the arena and knocked out everybody.”- Cole