WWE RAW on the mic: Best quotes November 18th 2013
“Let’s go Maddox.”- Fans
“Get in there, Maddox. Go make a name for yourself, son!”-JBL
“The biggest win of Big E’s career.”- JBL
“Jerry. Jerry. Jerry.”- Fans during the divas musical chairs.
“I’m not sure what we just saw, Michael.”- JBL on the divas musical chairs segment.
“Bench-presses don’t fight back.”-JBL
“I kinda like that, Miz.”- JBL on the Miz clearly turning heel.
“She fainted again!”-JBL on Vickie
“They’re going Broadway.”- JBL on Ziggler and Sandow
“Beautiful drop kick from Ziggler.”- Cole
“I was in a band in high school.”- JBL
“I have a added piece to my wardrobe.”- Cena on his cast
“So that’s Xavier Woods.”- JBL
“Members of The Shield and The Wyatts with a massive cheap shop.”- Jerry
“Punk wants to send Ambrose nighty night.”- Cole