
WWE Raw Results 16th January 2017, Latest Monday Night Raw winners and video highlights

Brock Lesnar returned to Raw and F5-ed Roman Reigns

Raw comes to us from Little Rock, AR this week and we had a huge show with huge stakes. Less than two weeks away from the Rumble, we got a massive tag-team title match along with more Raw Superstars announcing themselves for the Rumble.

WWE also paid tribute to the legendary Kimmy “Superfly” Snuka who passed away this weekend after a long battle with cancer.

Raw kicks off with Roman Reigns

A 7-man brawl kicked off Raw

Roman Reigns’ music hits as Raw kicks off. He’s met by a volley of groans mixed with a smattering of cheers. Roman took the mic and didn’t even get a pop when he mentioned that he was a former member of the Shield. He adds that Owens would be the one complaining at the Royal Rumble because with Jericho suspended above the ring, the title would be his.

At this point, Paul Heyman came down to the ring and announced that Brock Lesnar was in the building. Heyman tried to address Roman and the fans but he was met by a wall of Goldberg chants from the fans. Heyman went on to tell the fans a “Royal Rumble spoiler” – eat, sleep, elimination, repeat. Reigns went to call out Lesnar but Kevin Owens’ music hit right then.

Owens came out accompanied by the new WWE United States Champion Chris Jericho. He says that he and Jericho would main event Mania. Jericho adds that when he won the Rumble, he and Owens would face each other in the Wrestlemania main event and no matter who won, they would both still be champ. Owens adds that he was the longest WWE Universal Champion in history and he’d still be champ after Wrestlemania.

Seth Rollins’ music hit at this point. Rollins said that there was no way they could have a conversation about the Wrestlemania main event without him.

Braun Strowman came out at this point, stomping his way down to the ring. He came in and looked Roman Reigns straight in the eyes. Before he could do anything Brock Lesnar came out.

Before Lesnar could do anything, Sami Zayn ran out of the crowd and attacked Braun Strowman. A huge brawl broke out as Reigns, Rollins and Zayn cleared the ring of Strowman, Owens and Chris Jericho. Lesnar then came in and dispatched of Reigns and Rollins before hitting a German Suplex to Sami Zayn as the fans came unglued.

Roman then came in and hit a Superman Punch to  Lesnar before attacking Jericho and Owens who were getting back in. Lesnar recovered and hit F5 to Roman Reigns. As Lesnar stood over Reigns, we faded to commercial. What a way to begin Raw.

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