
[Video] WWE RAW Results 21st March, 2016

Mr.McMahon raised the stakes for the Hel In a Cell Match at WrestleMania 32

This week’s edition of RAW was from Philadelphia, PA and it promised to be one of the better bouts of WWE programming that we are usually accustomed to witness. While it wasn’t the best of episodes by a mile, there were a few major takeaways that included a new WrestleMania match and a big stipulation for another. 

Also read: [Video] WWE Raw Results, 11th April 2016

So, here’s WWE Monday Night Raw 21 march 2016 full show results, highlights

Stephanie McMahon kicks off RAW and cuts a promo on Roman Reigns and reveals that her husband and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H isn’t in Philly tonight.

She is cut off by Reigns, who comes out to a mixed reaction and cuts a promo. He ends the segment by avoiding the trademark Stephanie slap and declared that “he is now the Authority”. A generic segment that had nothing worth getting excited about.

Next up is a rematch from Smackdown as KO goes up against the Phenomenal One. Kevin Owens def. AJ Styes via pinfall with the help of a distraction from Chris Jericho.


An epic backstage segment follows as Terry Funk is seen gifting Dean Ambrose a chainsaw. And just like that, the Lunatic Fringe adds another prized possession to his arsenal of weapons for his no holds barred match against Brock Lesnar.

Big E def. Rusev via pinfall after hitting the Big Ending.

A very decent match between the two heavyweights that saw many distractions from the LON. The Wyatt Family cut a backstage promo up next, hyping up WrestleMania and the main event of the evening.


Big show comes out next to hype up the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal match. He’s interrupted  by the Social Outcasts, who go on to attack him. Out comes the Demon Kane to make the save and clear out the ring. Big Show hugs Kane to show his appreciation, but Kane didn’t look too amused and chokeslams Big Show off the top rope. Next up, Michael Cole officially announces Stan Hansen’s name as the next inductee into this year’s Hall of Fame class.

WrestleMania rewind up next as Chirs Jericho faces a returning Fandango. Chris Jericho def. Fandango via pinfall after hitting the codebreaker.

AJ Styles walked out chanting Y2 Jackass in the closing stages of the match, but the distraction wasn’t enough to cost Y2J the match.

A video package of Shane McMahon’s WrestleMania preparations and the reactions of WWE legends to the Hell in a Cell match airs.

The Triple Threat match to determine the no.1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship is up next and Kevin Owens comes out to introduce the opponents himself instead of Lillian Garcia. He names Stardust, Sin Cara and a returning Zack Ryder, much to the surprise of the Philly crowd. The match ends in DQ after Zayn, Miz and Ziggler get involved in the match. All the six stars go on to attack Owens, who retreats and escapes a collective beatdown.


Later on backstage, Stephanie makes a Ladder match for the IC title official for WrestleMania that would feature Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Sami Zayn, Stardust, Sin Cara, The Miz and the Champion himself, Kevin Owens.

Next up, Stephanie is seen getting into a car with her husband Triple H. Roman Reigns was lurking around the corner, who goes on to open the car door to administer a beating on Triple H. The Champ fights it off and gets back into the car to scamper away in the nick of time.

Charlotte def. Natalya via pinfall after hitting the Natural Selection. Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks were on commentary throughout the match. There wasn’t a ritualistic brawl post-match, which could be saved for the go-home edition for WrestleMania 32.

Bubba Ray Dudley def. R-Truth. The Dudleys attack Truth post-match, but Goldust comes out to make an unsuccessful save. He’s followed by the Usos, who almost put D-Von through a table before Bubba pulled D-von away at the right time.


Vince McMahon made a huge announcement up next regarding the Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania. He revealed that if Undertaker loses, it’ll be the final WrestleMania for the Deadman. 

Braun Strowman def. Dean Ambrose via DQ after Ambrose attacked Strowman with a chair. He ended the show by planting Strowman face first into the chair to send a big statement to Brock Lesnar that he is no pushover.



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