
WWE RAW Results: April 16th, 2018; Latest Monday Night RAW Winners & Video Highlights

RAW's roster got a whole lot more stacked in the Superstar Shake-up

Hello and welcome to the first night of the WWE Superstar Shake-Up! The entire landscape of the company was altered as numerous top names swapped from SmackDown Live and Raw. Let's go to it.

The Modern Day Maharaja returns to RAW and gets a new challenger

Kurt Angle didn't give Jinder Mahal the best welcome

Kurt Angle comes down and welcomes fans to the Superstar Shake-Up, before being interrupted by Sunil Singh who reveals that Jinder Mahal and the United States Championship are now on Monday Night Raw.

Mahal questions why he wasn't brought to the arena in a limo and Angle responds by saying that if he thinks he's better than everyone else, he needs to prove it. Angle confirms that Jinder will be defending the US Championship right now, against - Jeff Hardy! After an initial flurry from Mahal, Jeff takes over as we head into an advert break.

We come back from the break and Mahal has assumed control with a headlock. There are some fun face/heel dynamics going on with the crowd between these two. Every time Jeff tries to get some separation, Jinder cuts him off. Corey Graves questions whether all of the time off has affected Jeff, despite him looking great just seven nights ago.

Hardy cuts off a potential interference from Singh, maintaining his momentum, only for Jinder to make another comeback. He goes for his finisher but Jeff rolls through, getting a close two count. Jinder pops up with a superkick, but can't secure the pinfall. Jeff hits the Twist of Fate, GOES UP TOP AND HITS THE SWANTON BOMB! Jeff Hardy scores the three count - he is the NEW United States Champion!

Jeff Hardy def. Jinder Mahal via pinfall to win United States Championship

Jeff celebrates. Miz promises a SmackDown Live superstar will come over during his Miz TV segment tonight. WWE advertises Bayley vs Sasha Banks, which is coming up next. Jinder is fuming backstage, he says this was all a conspiracy and said he wasn't ready to repeat. He's invoking his rematch clause at Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia. No Way Jose interrupts backstage with his conga line - Jinder isn't happy.

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