
WWE RAW Results January 7th 2019, latest Monday Night Raw winners, video highlights

The show began with a brawl between Bobby Lashley and Seth Rollins. All of a sudden, John Cena came out. Cena began hyping up the road to WrestleMania and announced his entry into the Rumble match before being interrupted by Drew McIntyre. McIntyre said he had waited for this moment for years.

McIntyre talked about how Vince McMahon himself called Cena the greatest of all time - and he agreed. He didn't care about who he shared the bed with, what his haircut is, or anything else. He cared about his 16 world championships.

Cena talked about how he's heard the same promo every week. McIntyre said the difference is they're all talk -.and that he'll show him. They got ready for a brawl and Lio Rush interrupted saying "We've got a situation".

He started complaining about Seth Rollins. Lio Rush wanted a lawyer, but he got Rollins instead. Rollins attacked Lashley but was then attacked by Dean Ambrose. Cena went for the save but was attacked by Drew McIntyre.

John Cena, Finn Balor & Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose, Bobby Lashley & Drew McIntyre

Seth Rollins picked up the big win for his team
Seth Rollins picked up the big win for his team

Drew McIntyre started aggressively pushing Finn Balor and taunted him while Rollins and Cena pushed Balor on. McIntyre taunted Cena and tagged Lashley in before they all started working on Balor. Lashley hit Balor with an elbow and took his time, but Balor tried to escape.

Lashley held him back with his power and threw him into his corner. Balor lifted his legs up and attacked McIntyre and Ambrose before attempting to jump to his side for the tag but he got held up again. Ambrose got tagged in this time.

Balor finally tagged in Cena, who knocked Ambrose down. He had Ambrose up on his shoulders and The Lunatic tagged in McIntyre before getting hit with an AA. McIntyre entered and knocked Cena down with a headbutt. McIntyre dominated Cena and held him down with the spine buster. Ambrose tagged in and had Cena locked in a sleeper hold. Ambrose continued to dominate Cena as RAW rolled on.

Back after the break, Ambrose was still in control of John Cena. They had been isolating Cena, who was trying to get the tag. Cena tried to power his way through and tagged Rollins, but Ambrose raked Cena's eyes and booted Rollins out. Balor urged the crowd to tag Balor in. 

Balor finally tagged in and he was all fired up. He started knocking Ambrose down and hit a sling blade on Lashley. Balor countered the Dirty Deeds and stomped Ambrose's chest before landing the coup-de-grace. He tried to go for the pin but McIntyre hit the Claymore. 

They both went for the tag and Rollins was finally in. It was Rollins vs McIntyre. He took McIntyre down and even hit a moonsault on Lashley outside. Rollins started with his transitions and countered McIntyre to take him down. He started pumping the crowd and feeding off their energy.

He hit a superkick but McIntyre countered immediately after. Cena took McIntyre and hit an AA before eating a spear from Lashley. Rollins super-kicked Lashley and realizing that McIntyre is the legal man, brought him in the ring. McIntyre evaded a frog splash and Ambrose tagged in. Rollins evaded the Dirty Deeds and counters it into a stomp before pinning the Intercontinental Champion.

Result: Seth Rollins, John Cena & Finn Balor def. Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley & Dean Ambrose

Rollins looked at the Titantron and Triple H was talking to Sasha Banks and Bayley. He went to confront Triple H, who told him that he has earned a title match. HHH set up a Falls Count Anywhere match for the IC title in the main event of the same night. Triple H also told Rollins "Welcome Back".

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