WWE RAW Results: July 22, 2013
Monday Night’s WWE RAW kicked off from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas where we got a look at issues between CM Punk and Paul Heyman, plus Brock Lesnar’s return last week.
The road to SummerSlam began when we also got to see why John Cena chose Daniel Bryan as his opponent.
Match 1: Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio won the match after countering a Brogue Kick and rolling Sheamus into pinfall. Damien Sandow witnessed the match from backstage holding his briefcase.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Match 2: Christian vs. Titus O’Neil
It was more of a one on two match when Darren Young, accompanying Titus, not only managed to distract Christian on more than one occasion but also managed to get some cheap shots outside the ring.
However, Christian vanquished Titus after countering a finisher and employing the Killswitch.
Winner: Christian
Match 3: Darren Young vs. Dolph Ziggler
Darren Young got a taste of his own medicine when Ziggler nails a Zig Zag for the win while Young was caught unawares showboating.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Special Event: The MizTV
Returning from the commercial, The Miz was seen in the ring with The Bella Twins, Natalya, Cameron, Naomi, Eva Marie and Jo Jo Offerman.
Lawler handed things back over to Miz after being slapped by Eva as she didn’t like the way Lawler was looking at her.
Match 4: Fandango vs. Cody Rhodes
Cody got the win after he took out both Damien Sandow and Fandango with the Disaster Kick.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Match 5: Rob Van Dam vs. Wade Barrett
RVD snatched victory after nailing the Five Star Frogsplash from the second rope.
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Match 6: Gauntlet Match- Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger
Despite Swagger took control early on in the match, he lost to Daniel Bryan who recovered from the Swagger Bomb and locked in the Yes Lock, forcing Swagger to tap out.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Match 7: Daniel Bryan vs. Antonio Cesaro
Bryan countered an uppercut in mid-air and rolled Cesaro up for the win after taking out Swagger with a suicide dive.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Match 8: Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback
Ryback powerbombed Bryan through the table, laid on the floor outside the ring and the referee called the match as Ryback couldn’t get himself up back into the ring.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
After the match is concluded, Ryback proceeds to attack a worn out Daniel Bryan. Out came John Cena with the save as he cleaned house and sent Ryback back up the ramp. Cena then proceeded to check on a tired Daniel Bryan and challenged Ryback to a table’s match next week on RAW as the show concluded.