
WWE RAW Results: Rollins reveals reason for brutal attack on Cody Rhodes; Top star set to return after 6 months - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (June 13th, 2022)

We got an action-packed episode of RAW as we head toward Money in the Bank
We got an action-packed episode of RAW as we head toward Money in the Bank

The Miz kicked off RAW, and Paul Heyman joined him as they talked about the upcoming Money in the Bank event. The A-Lister explained the rules of the ladder match, and Heyman told us that the winner of the match would no doubt fail to cash in on Roman Reigns if they tried.

"No matter what the percentage has been in the past ... when the champion is @WWERomanReigns, that percentage goes down to ZERO!" - @HeymanHustle

#WWERaw https://t.co/j8iktqZ27l

Heyman then reminded us that Riddle had earned a match for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship before the Original Bro came out to join them. Riddle said that he was going to beat Roman, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him, and Paul Heyman disagreed.

"@HeymanHustle, you don't know me. @WWERomanReigns doesn't know me. And you both don't know what I'm capable of."

@SuperKingofBros #WWERaw https://t.co/HfE2JwM0BJ

The Special Counsel told Riddle that if he loses to Reigns, the former RAW Tag Team Champion would never get another shot at Roman's title. The Usos walked out and were followed by The Street Profits before we headed for the first match of the night.

As revealed by @HeymanHustle, if @SuperKingofBros does not defeat @WWERomanReigns this Friday in the championship match on #SmackDown, Riddle will not be able to challenge for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship as long as Roman Reigns is champion!

#WWERaw https://t.co/lRlpUqt6e4

WWE RAW Results (June 13th, 2022): Montez Ford vs. Jimmy Uso

Give @MontezFordWWE your energy right now!!

#WWERaw https://t.co/RguIcMMMCY

Ford took control of the match with a lariat and a big dropkick before getting an early near fall. Jimmy got a headbutt and blocked a springboard move before dropping Ford on the apron with a suplex.

When you're in the zone.

@MontezFordWWE #WWERaw https://t.co/I90lEJJPW8

Montez hit a spine buster, and Uso blocked a big move on the apron before sending Ford into the ring post. Ford dodged the next move and tried for a superplex but was tossed off the ropes.

The former tag team champion recovered and hit a dropkick on Uso on the top rope before getting the Frogpsplash, but Jimmy got his knees up. Jimmy then got the pin in the ring.

Result: Jimmy Uso def. Montez Ford

.@MontezFordWWE is fired up on #WWERaw! 🔥
@WWEUsos https://t.co/tRzQAOtMK4

Grade: B

Seth Rollins was backstage and said that he had no remorse for his actions last week after attacking Cody Rhodes. He clutched the sledgehammer in his hands and said that he did what he did to protect Rhodes from himself.

"@CodyRhodes was becoming not just a danger to WWE, but a danger to himself. He wanted to compete in the #MITB Ladder Match with a torn pec? In my WWE, it's adapt or perish."

@WWERollins #WWERaw https://t.co/1cbwfvF56y

The Visionary said he took pride in ending The American Nightmare's career so that he didn't hurt himself further in the Money in the Bank Ladder match.

.@AJStylesOrg outta nowhere!

#WWERaw https://t.co/5y7HLYCt1D

He then said that he would do the same thing to AJ Styles in tonight's MITB Qualifier match. AJ came in and knocked Rollins off his chair, saying, "that's for Cody," before walking off.

"That was for Cody."

@AJStylesOrg @WWERollins #WWERaw https://t.co/gqJJmvKmWc

Dana Brooke vs. Becky Lynch - 24/7 Championship rematch on RAW

And here we go!

@BeckyLynchWWE @DanaBrookeWWE #WWERaw https://t.co/e6LEJ1b7C2

Becky unloaded with kicks on the champ before the bell even rung and sent her outside the ring. She tossed Dana into the barricades, taunting her before smacking her head off the announcers' desk.

Could we see Becky in the Bank? 💵

@BeckyLynchWWE #WWERaw https://t.co/6cPXYyO6sr

Big Time Becks got on the mic and said she was quite angry and pointed at the Money in the Bank briefcases. She said that this was her year before continuing to beat Dana ruthlessly.

.@WWEAsuka has heard ENOUGH! #WWERaw
@BeckyLynchWWE https://t.co/aE69NqR5Of

Asuka came out to protest, and the two met on the ramp as a brawl broke out. Lynch and Asuka headed to the ring, where Becky took a beating and fled. Becky was on her way out when Alexa Bliss made her entrance for the next match.

.@BeckyLynchWWE 👀 @AlexaBliss_WWE

#WWERaw https://t.co/5hHS0nEJi2

Result: DNF

Grade: C

Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan vs. Doudrop & Nikki ASH - Money in the Bank Qualifying Match on RAW

Name this team.

@YaOnlyLivvOnce @AlexaBliss_WWE #WWERaw https://t.co/zgnkUs8W1x

Bliss and Nikki kicked off the match, and Alexa was isolated early on before Doudrop tagged in and hit a senton. Nikki returned and pounded on her former best friend before getting a running bulldog.

Go @YaOnlyLivvOnce!
#WWERaw https://t.co/eL3uMZdWDS

Little Miss Bliss finally managed to tag Morgan, who came in and took down Doudrop with a dropkick for a near fall. Bliss came back in, and Nikki and Doudrop isolated her once more before Morgan broke the pin.

Outside the ring, Nikki hit a dropkick on Morgan before heading back inside. Alexa punched Nikki in the face and hit a DDT before getting the win for her team.

Result: Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan def. Doudrop & Nikki ASH

Welcome to the #MITB Ladder Match, @YaOnlyLivvOnce and @AlexaBliss_WWE!

#WWERaw https://t.co/nwKwFjx5sh

Grade: B

Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel on RAW


@IAmNotEliasWWE @FightOwensFight #WWERaw https://t.co/RDktpYxdB3

Owens sent Ezekiel into the corner early on and hit a cannonball followed by a frog splash for a near fall. KO was sent outside before Zeke hit a massive Samoan Drop on top of the steel steps from the apron.

KO hit a splash outside during the commercials, and when we returned to RAW, Ezekiel was caught in a headlock. Zeke got a knee to the face and sent Owens outside before running into the ring post after KO dodged a tackle.

Owens was furious and started yelling at the announcers and camera crew before walking backstage after he was counted out.

Guess who got counted out?! @FightOwensFight!

#WWERaw https://t.co/WVDXJx4dpG

Result: Ezekiel def. Kevin Owens via count-out

Ezekiel got on the mic and said that he was "Zeke'd up" about Money in the Bank and that Elias was going to be back next week.

BREAKING NEWS: Elias returns to #WWERaw next Monday!

@IAmNotEliasWWE https://t.co/VXrhD1uZzf

Grade: B

MVP was out next and trash-talked Cedric Alexander before we headed to the next match on RAW.

MVP vs. Cedric Alexander on RAW

Blocking out the haters like...

@The305MVP #WWERaw https://t.co/mVd0iSYWm7

Alexander had the early advantage and got a big move for a near fall before MVP took control with a lariat. Omos ran a distraction, allowing Montel Vontavious Porter to hit the Playmaker and pick up the win.

Result: MVP def. Cedric Alexander

Here is your winner ... @The305MVP!
#WWERaw https://t.co/Du70qmt9OY

Grade: D

AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins - Money in the Bank Qualifying Match on RAW


@AJStylesOrg #WWERaw https://t.co/BOvz8KJpmt

AJ Styles got a backslide before the match headed outside, and Rollins took a diving forearm over the top rope. Rollins ran out of the ring, and Styles chased him, but Seth got back in the ring and knocked AJ off the apron before hitting a dive through the ropes outside.

Who's headed to #MITB?

@WWERollins @AJStylesOrg https://t.co/o6ookUB8XF

AJ got a big front-face slam before Rollins hit a superkick for a near fall. AJ blocked a stomp and locked in the calf crusher before Rollins managed to reach for the ropes. AJ got a Pele kick before blocking the buckle bomb.

Who else got flashbacks on this one?!

@WWERollins #WWERaw https://t.co/zXQRzM6h0P

The Phenomenal missed a dive and hurt his leg before Rollins got a chop block on the same leg. Rollins got the buckle bomb before missing the frog splash. AJ tried for the Styles Clash, but Rollins reversed it and rolled him up for the win.

Result: Seth Rollins def. AJ Styles

.@WWERollins is going to #MITB! https://t.co/m4b7eTXDyK

Grade: B

Riddle vs. Ciampa on RAW


@SuperKingofBros vs. @NXTCiampa on #WWERaw! https://t.co/h9PJcTM0or

Riddle started off strong and locked in an armbar before Ciampa took control with a DDT. Ciampa dodged a slam and stomped on his foot before taking a huge powerslam from the Original Bro.

Take notes, @WWERomanReigns & @HeymanHustle!

@NXTCiampa #WWERaw https://t.co/dbG5uyBmNz

Former NXT Champion Ciampa had control of the match but took a Draping DDT before Riddle set up for the RKO, but it was countered. Ciampa went after Riddle's toe before getting a knee strike for a near fall.

Taking @SuperKingofBros to the market!

@NXTCiampa #WWERaw https://t.co/sK8riVWGCQ

Riddle connected with the Ripcord Knee and got the Floating Bro on Ciampa. He followed up with the RKO and picked up the win.

Result: Riddle def. Ciampa


@SuperKingofBros #WWERaw https://t.co/vGLWbVCPZH

Grade: B

Bianca Belair came out and kept claiming she's the before being interrupted by Rhea Ripley and Judgment Day.

"Now, #TheJudgmentDay are all equals." - @ArcherofInfamy

#WWERaw https://t.co/HLwGwYpsFV

Judgment Day, with Finn Balor, showed up on the Titantron and said what we were all thinking all along: "If you really are the best, you don't need to mention it every week."

"I don't tell people I'm intimidating. I just am."

Can @RheaRipley_WWE become a 2-time #WWERaw Women's Champion at #MITB? https://t.co/cacCmhFwtY

Ripley said she never has to say she is intimidating because her mere presence gets the point across. The Nightmare vowed to remove the champion from existence and claim the title that she deserves.

Chad Gable vs. Mustafa Ali on RAW


@AliWWE @otiswwe #WWERaw https://t.co/C7uD2EEi12

Ali had the upper hand early on and hit a hurricanrana before Gable sent him into the turnbuckles. Gable got a near fall off a big slam before locking in a submission move.

Mustafa got a tornado DDT before Otis tried to drag Gable out of the way of a dive. Ali kicked Otis in the face and took him down, but it allowed Gable to roll him up for the win.

Result: Chad Gable def. Mustafa Ali

when you have unique victory poses in a fighting game

@otiswwe @WWEGable #WWERaw https://t.co/zHL0jEhNHo

Grade: C

Rey Mysterio vs. Veer Mahaan on RAW

What did @DomMysterio35 ever do to you?!

@VeerMahaan #WWERaw https://t.co/Dac49hRlEq

Veer took down the WWE legend immediately and hit a splash in the corner. Rey was being knocked around the ring for a good while before he managed to dodge a tackle and hit a hurricanrana.

The Predator took back control with the knee to the gut, and Rey dodged another tackle, sending him outside. Veer hit Dominik with a big boot and sent him over the barricades before getting the Cervical Clutch in the ring for the win.

Result: Veer Mahaan def. Rey Mysterio

WOAH! @VeerMahaan just defeated @reymysterio on #WWERaw! https://t.co/GODlcUkxwv

Grade: B-

Theory vs. Bobby Lashley - Pose-Down on RAW

Who wins Round 1 ... @_Theory1 or @fightbobby?

#WWERaw https://t.co/A74fyUK8qn

Theory went up first and complained about Adam Pearce not calling it his show. Pearce had no time for the United States Champion and told Theory that he would be disqualified if he didn't shut up and get on with it.

We got three poses from both superstars, and the crowd was pretty unanimous in their decision, making Lashley the winner.

Who wins Round 3 ... @_Theory1 or @fightbobby?

#WWERaw https://t.co/fI5qTKrHjQ

The US Champion was not happy with the decision and sprayed baby oil in Lashley's face before hitting him with a dropkick as the show went off the air.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Grade: D

Episode rating: B

We got some big Money in the Bank Qualifier matches tonight on RAW while Becky and Asuka had a showdown in the ring.

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