
WWE RAW Results: RK-Bro addresses in-ring future; Multiple matches confirmed for Hell in a Cell - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (May 23rd, 2022)

We got some huge matches confirmed for Hell in a Cell tonight on RAW
We got some huge matches confirmed for Hell in a Cell tonight on RAW

Riddle kicked off RAW and said that Randy Orton had been having a bad time with his back recently, but still decided to face The Usos anyway. Riddle called Roman Reigns a piece of trash before swearing to take revenge on The Bloodline soon.

"That guy is nothing but a Tribal Piece of Trash!"

@SuperKingofBros #WWERaw https://t.co/GeNvKKBtom

He then sent his regards to Orton and revealed that RK-Bro would be disbanding, leading to 'RK-Bro' chants from the crowd. After a break on RAW, we headed for a tag team match between Riddle & The Street Profits and The Usos & Sami Zayn.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all.

@SuperKingofBros is coming for #TheBloodline with vengeance on his mind.

@WWERomanReigns @WWEUsos @HeymanHustle #WWERaw https://t.co/a7PCvFvpVk

A brawl broke out when The Usos were making their entrance and we headed for another break before the match started.


@SuperKingofBros #WWERaw https://t.co/YeGeP126FW

WWE RAW Results (May 23rd, 2022): Riddle & The Street Profits vs. The Usos & Sami Zayn


@MontezFordWWE #WWERaw https://t.co/uQwc4tBWo6

Angelo Dawkins and Sami Zayn kicked off the match and Montez Ford was tagged in early with The Street Profits in control of the match. Riddle came in and took out The Usos from the apron before Zayn attacked him in the corner.

.@SuperKingofBros & The #StreetProfits go head-to-head against @WWEUsos & @SamiZayn on #WWERaw! https://t.co/kCNcdyPjNs

Riddle was injured and Zayn unloaded on him in the ring before locking in a hold. The Original Bro broke the hold but took a double stomp to the back before Jey Uso tagged in. Riddle turned it around and started unloading on Jey before tagging Ford in.

.@SamiZayn gets it.

#WWERaw https://t.co/W0N9qWBsZ7

Ford was sent outside the ring and took a superkick from Jimmy Uso before we headed for yet another break on RAW. Back to the match, Riddle was dropped on the outside while Ford was being isolated in the ring.

What are ya doing, @WWEUsos?!

@samizayn forever 💔

#WWERaw https://t.co/Ycb0S8In4F

Ford managed to counter a big move and make the tag to Riddle, who wiped out Zayn and Jimmy in the ring. The Usos were on the apron but decided to walk off, leaving Sami Zayn alone in the ring with Riddle, who hit the RKO for the win.

Result: Riddle & The Street Profits def. The Usos & Sami Zayn


@SuperKingofBros #WWERaw https://t.co/0tpydrcpur

Grade: B+

Bobby Lashley was out next on RAW and after recapping his win in the cage match against Omos, the former WWE Champion said that he and The Nigerian Giant were not done.


@fightbobby wants @The305MVP one-on-one with the winner picking the stipulation for the match at #HIAC!

@TheGiantOmos https://t.co/0COTITu3yU

Lashley called Omos and MVP out and said that he would be facing the giant at Hell in a Cell with a special stipulation. In addition, The All Mighty also announced that he and MVP would face each other tonight and the winner will pick the stipulation for Hell in a Cell.

Will @fightbobby finally get payback on @The305MVP tonight on #WWERaw? https://t.co/25Vc6L6QSP

MVP sent Omos after Lashley before sneaking up behind him with the cane. Lashley caught MVP and knocked him off the apron before he and Omos ran off.

Backstage, Becky Lynch earned another opportunity to be added to the RAW Women's Title match at Hell in a Cell.


@BeckyLynchWWE vs. @WWEAsuka and if Big Time Becks wins, it will be a Triple Threat Match at #HIAC!

And THAT is official. https://t.co/1B3Eq9qP1z

The Judgment Day was out next on RAW and Damian Priest said that everyone in the WWE Universe lacked the courage to be who they really are. Edge offered the other superstars on the roster to join him once more before saying that everyone else was afraid of hard work.

"Someone will be savvy enough to understand the hand of the humble deity that is being extended to them. Could it be @NXTCiampa, @WWEGraves, @AlexaBliss_WWE, @DMcIntyreWWE, @YaOnlyLivvOnce, @FinnBalor, @AJStylesOrg?"

Who will join @EdgeRatedR and #TheJudgmentDay?
#WWERaw https://t.co/sq2LThzn4n

Edge called the fans sheeple and said that he only offered the means to 'wake up'. The crowd booed them and Edge told them to look in the mirror. The Judgment Day wondered who their next member would be before Liv Morgan and AJ Styles made their entrance for the following match.

#TheJudgementDay sends message to the WWE Universe and @AJStylesOrg! #WWERaw
@EdgeRatedR @RheaRipley_WWE @ArcherOfInfamy https://t.co/FqWrsGwnez

Liv Morgan & AJ Styles vs. Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest on RAW


@RheaRipley_WWE @AJStylesOrg #WWERaw https://t.co/GY2pMGUrZm

AJ Styles and Damian Priest started off the match and tags were made early on, leading to Rhea Ripley countering a big dive but taking a lungblower. The match headed outside, and Liv Morgan and Styles took down their opponents before heading back to the ring to showboat.

Phenomenal Teamwork!

@YaOnlyLivvOnce @AJStylesOrg #WWERaw https://t.co/nhPyOV18Tn

Back to the match, Ripley was back in control but Morgan took her down and made the tag to Styles. Priest came back in and sent him outside before dropping him face-first on the apron.

Back after a break on RAW, Styles got a Pele kick on Priest and tagged Morgan back in who hit the knee strike in the corner. Liv Morgan got the finisher but Edge put Rhea Ripley's foot on the ropes, breaking the pin.


@EdgeRatedR @YaOnlyLivvOnce #WWERaw https://t.co/xypOb755uH

AJ Styles attacked The Rated-R Superstar on the outside before taking Damian Priest outside the ring. Morgan was trying for the pin again but Edge assisted Ripley from ringside and it let her get the pin.

Result: Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest def. Liv Morgan & AJ Styles

After the match, Styles attacked Edge but Priest and Ripley came in and wiped both the babyfaces out before posing over their bodies.


@EdgeRatedR #WWERaw https://t.co/zDZaraVNvN

Grade: B

The Miz was backstage on RAW and said that he was going to humiliate Cody Rhodes tonight.

"In life, there is one thing I know. You never trust a man with a neck tattoo."

@mikethemiz #WWERaw https://t.co/y468akNbyu

Jerry 'The King' Lawler was out next on RAW to host the King's Court with Veer Mahaan as his guest. Lawler was interviewing Mahaan, who kept silent and just nodded to the questions before taking the mic and calling Rey Mysterio weak for worrying about his son.

"@reymysterio is a legend. But he's too busy worrying about his little boy @DomMysterio35 and that made him weak. And I took both of them out."

@VeerMahaan #WWERaw https://t.co/3XUeplyuvJ

Lawler was making jokes and it angered Mahaan, who was about to attack the WWE legend. The Mysterios came out to defend the Hall of Famer and a brawl started before Veer Mahaan walked off as Rey and Dominik Mysterio took over the ring.

.@reymysterio & @DomMysterio35 want payback!

#WWERaw https://t.co/9QFjAAxKzC

Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki A.S.H. on RAW


@WWENikkiASH @AlexaBliss_WWE #WWERaw https://t.co/3nupXYkPeU

Nikki A.S.H. got the first shot in but took some big strikes and rolled out of the ring. She was outside the ring with Doudrop before coming back and unloading on Alexa Bliss on the mat.

Bliss broke out of a submission hold and hit a lawbreaker and a running neckbreaker. She followed up with a double dropkick and hit the Twisted Bliss for the quick victory.

Result: Alexa Bliss def. Nikki A.S.H.


@AlexaBliss_WWE #WWERaw https://t.co/YGIzh0fRmu

Grade: C

Seth Rollins was backstage on RAW and said that there was a clock in his head ticking down to something ominous.

Looks like @WWERollins has a countdown of his own!

#WWERaw https://t.co/BFmH6kV7mR

Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz on RAW

Can @CodyRhodes bounce back against @mikethemiz? Find out as #WWERaw rolls on! https://t.co/6FlI5ZsHBU

Cody Rhodes countered most of The Miz's early offense and took him down to the mat for a hold. The A-Lister came back with a hold of his own but Rhodes broke out and hit some knee strikes before getting a near fall.

The Miz sent Rhodes outside before we headed for a break on RAW. Back to the match, The American Nightmare locked in the Figure Four leglock before climbing up to the top rope but Seth Rollins came up and dropped him.

Result: Cody Rhodes def. The Miz via disqualification

Here comes @WWERollins!

#WWERaw https://t.co/qPlfOp5ISd

Rollins attacked Rhodes at ringside before The Miz joined in and they absolutely destroyed Rhodes' knees. Seth Rollins got Cody Rhodes' belt and hit him with it before walking off.


@WWERollins brings the punishment to @CodyRhodes ahead of #HIAC!

#WWERaw https://t.co/LTfCFJqXm7

Grade: B+

Ezekiel vs. Chad Gable on RAW

@IAmNotEliasWWE @WWEGable #WWERaw https://t.co/lxjIglLkk6

Ezekiel had the early advantage and got some big moves in before Otis ran a distraction by pulling at his leg. Chad Gable was in control of the match and focused on Ezekiel's injured leg before the newcomer came back with a spinebuster.


@otiswwe @WWEGable #WWERaw https://t.co/eYTsd84v3i

Otis interfered once more before the referee sent him back to the lockers. Kevin Owens came in the ring to interfere but he too was ejected from ringside. Ezekiel rolled up Gable off the distraction and got the win.


@FightOwensFight #WWERaw https://t.co/Cds9qIUxEG

Result: Ezekiel def. Chad Gable

After the match, Kevin Owens was furious and challenged Ezekiel to a match at Hell in a Cell.

Challenge issued.

@FightOwensFight wants @IAmNotEliasWWE at #HIAC! https://t.co/ieIUMmP3Un

Grade: B-

Bobby Lashley vs. MVP on RAW

Sneaky Omos.

@TheGiantOmos #WWERaw https://t.co/ei56eiw7Kl

MVP was keeping his distance early on and fled the ring before Bobby Lashley followed him but Omos came in with a lariat and wiped him out. MVP took Lashley to the corner and taunted him but the latter recovered and tossed him outside and into the ring post.

That's a hell of a kick, @The305MVP.

#WWERaw https://t.co/OuKmMoxp41

Omos stepped in once more and sent Lashley into the timekeeper's area but the referee did not notice it. MVP got back to the ring while Lashley was counted out by the referee.

Result: MVP def. Bobby Lashley via count-out

Such a satisfying HURT LOCK!

@fightbobby @The305MVP #WWERaw https://t.co/CPanpfD3FP

After the match, Lashley came back in and locked in the Hurt Lock on MVP before walking off.

Grade: B

Asuka vs. Becky Lynch on RAW


@WWEAsuka @BeckyLynchWWE #WWERaw https://t.co/h4kbWUfRRT

Asuka had the early advantage and sent Becky Lynch into the corner before trying for a modified armbar. Lynch dodged a kick from the apron and sent Asuka into the ring post before we headed for a break.

Big Time Asuka

@WWEAsuka #WWERaw https://t.co/aZH0iFzYTj

Back on RAW, Big Time Becks sent Asuka outside and into the barricades before hitting a dive from the apron. Lynch got a near fall in the ring before she and Asuka took each other out with double lariats.

YOU 👏 CAN'T 👏 SIT 👏 WITH 👏 @BiancaBelairWWE

#WWERaw https://t.co/kASFvFlctZ

The Empress of Tomorrow got a big German Suplex before getting a near fall off a Shining Wizard. Asuka countered a big dive with a double knee strike before getting a superplex for another near fall.


@WWEAsuka @BiancaBelairWWE #WWERaw https://t.co/NfGbqGSu5e

Lynch took the hip attack and a baseball slide on the apron before trying for a kick on the outside but she hit Bianca Belair instead after Lynch ducked. Back in the ring, Becky Lynch rolled Asuka up and picked up the win.

Result: Becky Lynch def. Asuka


@BeckyLynchWWE won big on #WWERaw against @WWEAsuka! https://t.co/IrtYbhvvH1

Grade: B+

Episode rating: B

We got some big matches confirmed for Hell in a Cell on RAW while RK-Bro announced that they were retiring the stable. Becky Lynch got the opportunity to earn a HIAC Women's title match while we got a visit from Jerry 'The King' Lawler on tonight's episode of the red brand.

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