WWE RAW Results - November 9, 2013
Tonight’s RAW hosts The Slammy Awards and the show opens up with JBL, Cole and Lawler asking us to use the WWE App to vote for the winners.
The show opens with Daniel Bryan making his way to the ring to a huge pop courtesy some hometown fans.
Match One: Daniel Bryan vs Fandango
Bryan makes his way to the ring to loud ‘YES’ chants.
The match was a decent starter as both Fandango and Bryan put up their best in the ring. Fandango was at his evasive best sneaking out of the ring whenever he found an opening. The crowd was pretty hot for Bryan as he displayed intense energy. Fandango’s sitdown powerbomb was a great spot in the match.
Bryan finally hit the flying headbutt followed by the flying knee for the pin.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Post-match the Wyatts appear on the titantron and say that it is time for Bryan to suffer and things are taking a lot of time. The Wyatts ask Bryan to join them as fans boo and start a ‘NO’ chant.
Next we have our first slammy of the day. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are out to announce the winners of the LOL Moment of the year. The nominees are Vickie Gurrero getting fired, Titus O’Neil puking, Jinder Mahal and Great Khali charming the Cobra, The Rock singing to Vickie Gurrero.
The Rock wins the LOL Moment of the Year award.
Match Two: Damien Sandow vs Santino Marella
Comic filler with Big E Langston in the commentary ended after Sandow hit the You’re Welcome for the win.
Winner: Damien Sandow
Next is the Double Cross of the Year award and the Shield are out to present it. They tease tension between each other and announce the nominees. Mark Henry’s fake retirement, Shawn Michaels superkicking Daniel Bryan, Paul Heyman turning on CM Punk and Triple H on Daniel Bryan make the list.
Match Three: Kofi Kingston vs The Miz
A decent match that saw a lot of offense and counters from both players. The Miz then grabs Kofi’s tights and rolls him up for the pin.
Winner: The Miz
Kofi then hits the Trouble of Paradise on Miz.
Diva of the Year award is next. Eve Torres announces the nominees namely The Bella Twins, Cameron & Naomi, Kaitlyn, Natalya, Eva Marie and AJ Lee.
Match Four: Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. Ryback, Curtis Axel, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
A great match and by far the best match in the show. The brief moment between the Big Show and Ryback followed by Show knocking Ryback out was fun. Mysterio looked strong in the ring and the Rhodes Brothers were at their best as usual. No credits taken from Swagger and Cesaro as they played a great part in making the match look awesome.
The end saw Show take out Ryback, Cesaro and Swagger to the floor, Cody hitting a Disaster Kick on Axel and Rey hits the big splash for the win.
Winner: Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Cody Rhodes and Goldust
Shawn Michaels announces the nominee for the Superstar of the Year award. The nominees are Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Big Show, Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Randy Orton.
Daniel Bryan wins the Superstar of the Year award.
Match Five: Sin Cara vs Alberto Del Rio
A better than decent match that saw a huge upset on Raw tonight. Del Rio dominated most of the match and Sin Cara was patiently waiting for an opening. After a lot of counters and offense from both players the crowd chanted ‘This is Awesome’ which the match deserved. The end came when Sin Cara hit a powerbomb out of the corner and a huge swanton for the victory.
Winner: Sin Cara
Match Six: Brodus Clay vs Xavier Woods
Clay hit a huge splash from the second rope for the win.
Winner: Brodus Clay
Clay then attacks Woods despite efforts from Truth and Tensai to stop him. It looks like Clay has turned heel!!
Match Seven: CM Punk vs Dean Ambrose
Another awesome match and undoubtedly the best contender for the match of the night. Punk and Ambrose clearly the top performers in the roster today gave it their all. Punk showed no signs of injuries that have been rumored about him. The fans chanted ‘This is Awesome’ to make clear the awesomeness the match. The match ended after Punk nailed the GTS for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
The Shield then showed solidarity by attacking Punk and helping Ambrose cross the barricade as the Shield moved back to wherever they came from.
Match Eight: The Usos vs Erick Rowan and Luke Harper
Another good match on the trot as the two teams looked solid in the ring. The match ended after Harper hit a huge clothesline on Jimmy Uso for the win.
Winner: Erick Rowan and Luke Harper
Next is the Match of the Year award nominees that included CM Punk vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29, The Shield vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust at Battleground, Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H at Extreme Rules and John Cena vs. The Rock at WrestleMania 29.
Match Nine: Natalya vs Tamina Snuka
Natalya connects the sharpshooter on Tamina for the win.
Winner: Tamina Snuka
Back from the break we see 20 former champions in the ring. Triple H tries to speak but the fans hardly give him space with the ‘YES’ chant. After several failed attempts Hunter finally manages to find the right time and welcomes us to the biggest spectacle in WWE history. He introduces the WWE Champion Randy Orton and World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. The crowd chants for Bryan throughout.
The crowd boos the mention of Cena and starts chanting ‘boring’. Orton seems visibly upset after the crowd starts a relentless ‘YES’ chant. Orton talks about Michaels and his screwjobs. The crowd looks nowhere in the mood to listen. Cena gets the mic and the crowd pours a ton of heat on him.
After a lot of words, Orton loses cool and attacks Cena starting an all out brawl. Punk who seemed to be laughing during the proceedings dished out offense on Orton after a cheap shot. Triple H attacked Punk who got taken out after a sweet chin music from HBK. Bryan then hit a huge flying knee to take out Shawn and Orton accidentally hit Stephanie. Triple H was upset and pedigreed Orton. Kane, Cena and Triple H then helped Stephanie out as Orton was recovering in the ring to end the show.