
WWE RAW Results October 28th, 2019: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest Monday Night RAW

The Kabuki Warriors certainly made a mark tonight
The Kabuki Warriors certainly made a mark tonight

Paige kicked off RAW and introduced the Kabuki Warriors, the Women's Tag Champs. In the ring, Asuka and Sane snatched the mic from Paige before Paige gave them a stern look. Asuka hit her with the Green Mist and sent her ringside, yelling in pain before Becky Lynch came out and attacked the champs. Asuka was sent over the barricades and Kairi retreated before we headed for commercials.

Segment rating: A

Becky Lynch vs. Kairi Sane

Becky took the wind out of Kairi's sails
Becky took the wind out of Kairi's sails

Sane dropped Becky off the ropes early on and looked to be in control of the match. Lynch hit an arm drag and tried to lock in the Disarmher, sending Sane outside. Asuka distracted Becky and Sane sent her into the ring post.

Back from commercials, Becky was caught in a submission but managed to hit the Bexploder. Becky took out Asuka at ringside and then locked in the Disarmher in the middle of ring before Kairi tapped out.

Result: Becky Lynch def. Kairi Sane

Becky offered a hand to Kairi after the match but the tag champ kicked it away.

Match rating: A

R-Truth vs. Buddy Murphy

Murphy walked away with an easy win over the veteran
Murphy walked away with an easy win over the veteran

Before the match, Truth was being interviewed and said that he was working on getting his 24/7 title back. Buddy Murphy came out and said he he was about to make a lasting impression on the veteran.

Truth hit a Hurricanrana early on and then a roundhouse kick. The Singh Brothers rushed the ringside area, chased by their RAW competitors. Truth joined the chase but when he got back in the ring, Murphy got a quick pinfall on the former champ.

Result: Buddy Murphy def. R-Truth

Match rating: B

The AOP were back for another promo, talking about psychological warfare.

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