
WWE RAW Results October 9th 2017, Latest RAW winners and video highlights, The Shield reunite

Guess who's back!
Guess who's back!

After an eventful Hell in a Cell PPV, the pressure was on RAW to deliver a solid show as TLC approached. And boy oh boy, did they deliver!

A monumental reunion, a title change, and some significant storyline progression in the undercard were the biggest takeaways from tonight's show.

So without further adieu, here are the results and highlights from this week's RAW:

Opening segment

This week's show started with a video package of last week's mugging of Roman Reigns and the subsequent Shield reunion teaser.

Miz TV kicked off the proceedings with the Mizzies part 2! This should be good! He cut a promo claiming he gives credit where it's due and said that the Miztourage is like a family.

He spoke about one member and awarded Curtis Axel the award for perseverance. He dedicated the award to Bo Dallas, who was absent owing to a sickness. You deserve it chants echo around the arena. We agree these dudes do deserve it.

The next award was presented to the Bar, who came out and accepted the honor. Sheamus took to the mic and thanked Roman Reigns for the beating he took last week. Cesaro did the same for Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose before Miz touched upon the topic that is on everyone's lips, the Shield Reunion.

Miz claimed they did what John Cena and Undertaker could not do, and that is to put an end to Roman Reigns.He then revealed the real Big Dog of the WWE; The Miz himself.

He dedicated the Mizzie to his unborn child and spoke about being the real hero. This was cue for an interruption as Roman Reigns' music hit.

He came out to a decent reaction, as the pop outweighed the boos. Reigns warned Miz to shut up but the A-Lister claimed that the rumors of a Shield reunion were nothing but hype just like the Big Dog himself!

Reigns shot down the rumors and then it finally happened! Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins made their entrances as the band got back together and they were looking for a fight!ey

They rushed to the ring and took Sheamus, Cesaro and Curtis Axel out before zeroing in on The Miz. They laid him out but that wasn't all! It was a throwback to cherish as Miz got a taste of the iconic Shield Triple Powerbomb.

It was electric as the 'brothers' stood over the lifeless body of the Miz with the fist bump as their theme song played in the background! Them feels!

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