
WWE RAW retort - Bryan and Orton steal the show again

WWE had a lot to live up to after the fantastic RAW they gave us last week, but with rumours that Paul Heyman and Dutch Mantel (Zeb Colter) might be dipping their fingers into creative, the fans had even higher expectations this week. It has seemed as though each RAW has had either fantastic storylines and shockers, or jaw dropping wrestling, but this week they gave us some of both.

I will admit that I was a bit upset when Bryan versus Orton ended so quickly. It felt as though the WWE was going to focus more on storylines than wrestling this week, and I was worried that we might have seen the end of the best of the work between Orton and Bryan. Luckily, we have not, and I will get back to that at the end, because it deserved to end the show.

The backstage segments with with McMahon, Triple H and Steph getting up in Vickie’s business just didn’t have the power that they’ve had in weeks past. Vickie was tweaking and worried, but there wasn’t any great in-fighting that they’ve given us the past couple of weeks. It appears as though Maddox is stepping over Vickie’s head to work with Steph, and that could further ignite the fun and fury back there. They’ve put this storyline into a bit of a lull this week, but I know it’s only a lull and nothing more. They will be coming back with so much more of this storyline, and have all summer to keep us pulled in and on the edge of our seats waiting for more.

Steph taking over for Vickie and announcing the WWE Championship MITBLM participants worked very well, and got Steph more TV time, something most viewers seem to love.

Last week I was quite upset that Rhodes Scholars were treated so badly in that Handicap Match, but this week they changed things up quite a bit, and really made Cody Rhodes look very strong in the ring. Just when I think Rhodes and Sandow have been shoved aside, Rhodes gets great match time, and Sandow is booked in a big match on Smackdown with Sheamus. Fingers crossed that Sandow will at least look solid on Smackdown, even if he doesn’t get the win.

I can’t say that Tons of Funk, the Usos, or 3MB were allowed the same respect on RAW. They really looked rough in the ring, and none of them got very good ring time. Even the winners, and new Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders, the Usos were not put over as strongly as they should have considering they’re going to be facing Rollins and Reigns at MITB for the Tag Team Championship.

While I like the Usos, and would like to see them as a solidly contending team, they’re far from that spot right now. I know there isn’t a strong team to go against the Tag Team Champs right now, but throwing the Usos in like this is a slap in the face to Rollins and Reigns, as well as the Tag Division as a whole.

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