
WWE RAW Spoilers For April 18, 2016 Live From London, England

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WWE RAW took place live from London, England today where the English crowd was given an interesting show. Unexpected names came out and matches were made that will surely be too good to miss. If you were considering avoiding the show, these spoilers will prove that you’ll want to tune in. Let’s get started on the spoilers from the April 18th WWE RAW. Enjoy.

Also read: [Video] WWE Raw Results, 18th April 2016: WWE Payback 2016 gets three huge matches

To start things off for the crowd, which may not make air, Lilian Garcia sang "God Save The Queen."

  • Dean Ambrose kicks off RAW officially to a big pop. Ambrose comes to the ring for yet another episode of “The Ambrose Asylum” and talks about current events. Ambrose introduces his guest and out comes Shane McMahon for another huge pop. Shane was scheduled for SmackDown, but a cool appearance for RAW was great to see and unexpected for the crowd. Shane talks about how he's here for the fans but Kevin Owens interrupted then along comes Sami Zayn and Chris Jericho who also interrupted. This led to Shane making Sami vs. Owens and Jericho vs. Ambrose for WWE Payback on May 1st. He makes Sami vs. Jericho for tonight and then Ambrose vs. Owens for tonight's main event.
  • The show is obviously starting out pretty hot and will end on what should be a good match to conclude the show.
  • Next up....


-Chris Jericho takes on Sami Zayn. The two have a great back and forth with both men looking good. Jericho would go on to beat Zayn via pinfall after hitting the codebreaker finisher.

-Mauro Ranallo interviewed with AJ Styles, but the talk was semi-interrupted when Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows came into the shot with Styles. The three have a friendly interaction with the Anderson and Gallows telling Styles that they have his back at Payback.

- Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady would then come out to take on The Dudleyz in a tag tournament semi-final match. Enzo and Cass got a huge pop with the crowd loving the promo the two delivered. After a fun match, Enzo and Cass defeat the Dudleyz via pinfall to advance in the tournament.

-Roman Reigns "the guy" speech is interrupted by AJ Styles, who says he'd rather be liked and respected than just respected. It seems like a face vs tweener promo with AJ looking like the clear babyface here..However, after AJ begins to leave Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows attack Reigns proving what they said earlier in that they do certainly have AJ’s back. AJ watched in disbelief.

-Dolph Ziggler comes out for commentary. Glad he’s doing something on the show this week that actually matte...oh well he’s still there.

-Baron Corbin vs Fandango is next. Oh, so that’s why Ziggler is out there. Shocking move, WWE. Baron throws Fandango into Ziggler early into the match. After the match concludes, which Corbin won, Ziggler attacks The Lone Wolf for payback. Hey, you get it? He gets laid out for his trouble.

-Cut to backstage where AJ Styles catches up with Roman Reigns. He tells Roman that he had nothing to do with the attack on him. Reigns is not convinced.

-Miz and Maryse come out for a Miz TV segment. Two of these things in one show? Really? You see what I did there, right? Cesaro happens to be Miz’s guest, which is interesting due to Cesaro being Miz’s opponent at Payback. Miz and Maryse talk down about the Royal Family. like a good heel. He then talks about his match with Cesaro before Cesaro comes out. Rusev then comes out. Cesaro reveals he had the scheduled match with Rusev changed to Cesaro and The New Day vs The League of Nations and The Miz.

- Cesaro & New Day defeat League of Nations & Miz via pinfall after Cesaro his the neutralizer.

- Mauro then interviews the Flairs, who brag about Charlotte retaining last week. Natalya enters the show and claims Shane gave her a Payback match against Charlotte for the WWE Women’s Title and she's bringing Uncle Bret Hart to be in her corner for the match. I suppose having Hart come back to help counter Ric’s involvement is ideal.

- Natalya, Becky Lynch, Paige & Sasha Banks go on to defeat defeat Summer Rae, Naomi, Tamina & Charlotte. Nattie gets the win by making Charlotte tap out to the sharpshooter.

- Styles is shown talking to Gallows & Anderson, and we also see the Usos talk with Shane. Another Epico/Primo Puerto Rico segment airs, because that’s what is happening and you’re going to like it, dang it!

- Vaudevillains go on to defeat the Usos to advance to the tag tournament finals. The Villains beat The Usos pretty clean, but the announcer did talk up how Anderson and Gallows hurt the twins last week.

- Apollo Crews video shows to hype him up, as if we needed it. , Tthen Social Outcasts start messing with him in the locker room, they have to deflect some attention after Rose was suspended. Don’t be a Bully, Be A Star everyone. Crews being the nice guy that he is says if one of them can beat him tonight, he'll join their group. If not, they have to leave him alone forever. They joke about Adam Rose being on transdimensional search, because that is what drug suspensions are nowadays. Apollo Crews would go on to defeat Heath Slater via pinfall following a Sitout Toss Powerbomb. The Red Dragon brought shame upon his dojo.

- Main event time where Dean Ambrose defeats Kevin Owens with Dirty Deeds after a long back and forth match. The crowd liked the match and it seemed to be a good end to the show for most. Chris Jericho attacks Ambrose from behind with a Codebreaker to end things.

A dark main event then follows with 

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