
Reports: Randy Orton unhappy over current role and wants time off

Randy Orton

WWE superstar Randy Orton has been reportedly unhappy over his current run in the WWE over the recent weeks even though he has been headlining the main events.

It is believed that he has asked the management to give him some time off at the end of the year so that he can gather himself up.

At present, the roster in the WWE is pretty thin and since a few of their top roster members are unavailable at the moment, WWE are unable to grant Orton some time off. Daniel Bryan and Batista’s absence are mainly standing in The Viper’s way.

Orton has supposedly been convinced that his character will be given more importance on television but that probably won’t be satisfying enough for him.

WWE’s lack of star power has been the primary reason why they secured WWE World Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar for some more dates. The Beast Incarnate’s signature was far from being cheap as he signed for two dozen appearances in the $5 million range.


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