Roman Reigns heel turn?, King Barrett visits Old Trafford, Barrett vs Rooney possibility?
– A few weeks back, WWE’s golden boy Roman Reigns won the tournament to be the Number 1 Contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship which was held by Seth Rollins.
Last week during the tour of UK, Seth Rollins broke his knee ligaments in Dublin and is set to be out of action for at least 8-9 months. This put the WWE in a tight spot and a tournament to crown the new champion was decided.
On the last episode of RAW, Triple H presented a golden opportunity to Roman Reigns and was willing to give him the WWE WHC on one condition that he joins the Authority. Reigns declined which some of the fans saw as the WWE losing a big opportunity to progress Roman’s character.
Many fans believe that Roman should have made his heel turn which would cement his place with the fans of all age groups and genders. WWE conducted a poll where out of 11000 people, 53% voted that Roman should not have made his turn.
– A lot of football fans and especially Manchester United Fans were happy to see Wayne Rooney at RAW in the Manchester edition of RAW.
Rooney was involved in a mini segment where he slapped King Barrett. Barrett has been sparring with Rooney on twitter since Wrestlemania 31 and has been asking for a match. WWE and Barrett posted photos on twitter at the Old Trafford where Barrett said that he was waiting for Rooney and revenge.
Is a possible WM match in the works, or just pure banter?
– Finn Balor made an appearance before the NXT tapings in Manchester and competed in a dark match against Viktor from the Ascension.
Konnor was present at the ringside but could not help as Balor defeated Viktor. Finn Balor also made an appearance on the BBC show Coronation Street. The WWE tweeted a photo of Balor on the sets of the show.