
Reports suggest Roman Reigns will main event the next three WrestleManias

Will we see this anytime soon?

For all the Roman Reigns haters out there – our sympathies. Not only is the WWE’s biggest let-down scheduled to win the World Heavyweight Championship at this WrestleMania, allwrestlingnews.com reports that he’s main-eventing the next two WrestleManias as well.

The Samoan Superman is currently recovering from surgery for a nose injury he sustained a while ago but worked through, until the angle was worked into the RAW before last. The injury was sustained when Sheamus put Reigns through a table and a portion of the prop collapsed on his nose.

Try as he might to put Reigns over, it seems that Triple H is the inadvertent face in this situation. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion’s promo was cheered and the WWE actually had to fit in boos.

Touted to be John Cena's successor, Reigns has achieved what Cena took years to do, and that is become a polarizing figure. His merchandise figures are good but don’t rival Cena’s and a lot of the wrestling fraternity are of the opinion that a heel turn for Reigns is imperative for his survival. 

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