
WWE Rumor Mill: Two top WWE Superstars allegedly 'refusing' to wrestle at Crown Jewel; Exclusive update included 

Dissent in the WWE?
Dissent in the WWE?

What's the story?

Another day, another WWE Crown Jewel development as Robbie Fox from Barstool took to Twitter to allege that Crown Jewel could once again be in trouble with several of WWE's top stars 'refusing' to appear on the show, with another top star allegedly injured.

In case you didn't know...

Two weekends ago news broke of the alleged assassination of Jamal Khashoggi within the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey, with it being further alleged that Saudi Arabia ordered the murder.

Since then the WWE has been embroiled in the controversial turmoil surrounding their Crown Jewel event with us reporting two weeks ago that several WWE Superstars were unhappy with attending the event.

Read Also: WWE's Saudi Arabia assassination crisis meeting; new venue being considered; current talent concerned

The heart of the matter

Robbie Fox has alleged via Twitter that unspecified sources have told him that Crown Jewel is in jeopardy once again as several of WWE's top stars have refused to work the show despite being booked in huge matches

So, what do our sources tell us about this breaking news development? Whilst we mentioned Cena as someone who was unhappy with WWE continuing with the Crown Jewel show a couple of weeks ago, it seems others are now starting to find this information out.

We have been told by the same sources that informed us of the WWE meeting on the Saudi Arabia controversy that John Cena and Daniel Bryan have voiced their concerns to WWE management about Crown Jewel, however, both men are expected to wrestle at the event and have not refused.

As for Reigns being injured, he's booked for tonight's Raw, so we'll know more about that depending on whether or not he wrestles on the show.

What's next?

Whilst news of WWE Superstars being unhappy with Crown Jewel isn't new, many will be surprised that two high-profile names such as Daniel Bryan and John Cena are being reported to have 'refused' to take part in the event.

Whilst our sources don't confirm that exactly, it's worth bearing in mind because it showcases just how negative the backstage feeling towards the event is.

Are you surprised that Daniel Bryan and John Cena are unhappy with Crown Jewel? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

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