WWE Rumors: New Day to turn heel soon
According to Bryan Alvarez of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter on the Wrestling Observer Live show, The New Day will turn heel before the Royal Rumble. This will be the first time since March that they will be heels.
Mike Sempervive, Alvarez’s co-host argued that turning The New Day heel would be the wrong move, as they get positive reactions and are big merchandise movers. Bryan explained that their act has been the same for the last two and a half years, and asked how long they can go on continuing to beat the same heel teams over and over again.
The New Day turned babyface in March this year when they were feuding with The League Of Nations. When the group were formed towards the end of 2014, they were babyfaces but were rejected by the audience. They were then turned heel, where they organically got over. By the time they turned babyface in 2016, they were red hot.
One of the big critiques of The New Day was the fact that their Tag Team Championship reign was stretched out in order to beat Demolition’s record title reign. The argument from critics was that The New Day did not need the titles to be over with the audience.
One of the other criticisms is that the stretched out title reign of The New Day has ruined the momentum of Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows, who are a critically acclaimed, world travelled tag team.
The New Day is very likely to lose their rematch to Cesaro & Sheamus, which would logically be the catalyst of their heel turn. Attacking Cesaro, a fan favourite, would help to generate heat for The New Day, and possibly bring back the once-famous “New Day Sucks” chants.
Below is the full match that saw the end to The New Day’s historic Tag Team Title reign
Turning The New Day heel leaves a possibility of new opponents, with the prime babyface opponent being Enzo & Big Cass. This was a match teased for a long time. Many believed that Enzo & Cass would be the team to dethrone The New Day eventually, but plans turned out otherwise.
Cesaro & Sheamus have momentum on their side, so it was arguably the right decision to take the titles off The New Day at the very first opportunity that WWE got.
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