WWE Rumors: Paige's WWE career in jeopardy as man who leaked compromising pictures threatens to release video
Paige’s standing with the WWE is rumoured to be under further scrutiny after highly revealing pictures of her have been leaked on the internet by an anonymous person. Furthermore, the perpetrator is threatening to release compromising videos of her as well.
And considering her current stand-off with the WWE, there is a high likelihood that this incident could sound the death knell on her stagnating career. However what may end up working in her favour even in this sticky situation is that it was someone else who leaked the photos and not her, gleaning some measure of clemency in the eyes of the WWE.
The anti-diva is not the first person in WWE to be in this situation. Seth Rollins was in a similar situation two years ago, and less than two months later, he closed WrestleMania as champion.
While history doesn’t predict all doom and gloom for her, what doesn’t help is the fact that her relationship with the WWE has been on very fragile terms of late. There were also prior rumours of her trying to find a loophole to get out of her contract due to the reported issues between the WWE officials and her current fiancé, Alberto El Patron.
What makes the situation very interesting is that she currently has a movie being made about her, which is being produced by The Rock, and in a collaboration with WWE. She was also recently at the Impact Wrestling tapings where Alberto El Patron debuted, which has raised many more eyebrows.
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