
WWE Rumors: Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon's creative partnership on WWE RAW revealed

It seems like Heyman and Vince are working very closely together
It seems like Heyman and Vince are working very closely together

What's the story?

The WWE Universe was whipped into a frenzy last week when WWE announced that Paul Heyman would become the Executive Director of Monday Night RAW, starting immediately.

Well, it's now emerged that Heyman was sat beside Vince McMahon for the entirety of last night's show, with the pair working together harmoniously, as per Wade Keller of PW Torch.

In case you didn't know…

While Paul Heyman’s appointment as the new Executive Director of Raw last week excited many, there was also a level of scepticism as many thought Heyman would simply be an on-screen figure masquerading as a creative - but those ideas have been squashed.

Speaking on the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer mentioned that Heyman does not want to be a GM himself and he plans to end WWE’s ongoing authority figure storyline.

“He was very adamant about not wanting to be an authority figure on television. That’s one of his key things. The authority figure thing has been played out years and years and years ago, and it’s one of the changes that he wants. No authority figure stuff on television.”

You can read more on that, as per our own Danny Hart, here.

The heart of the matter

It was reported last night before RAW that no significant changes were planned for RAW, with the era of Heyman being eased in gradually - but that rumour was killed within five minutes of RAW airing.

Wade Keller of PWTorch has today confirmed that the new Executive Director of Monday Night Raw was sat beside Vince McMahon for the entirety of last night’s episode, with Heyman and Vince working together in harmony on the creative for the show.

Keller also praised WWE for not mentioning the changes and implementing them subtly, showing the WWE Universe that the promotion is capable of presenting a different product without having to completely overhaul everything.

Keller added that Paul Heyman is very popular backstage with a large amount of talent having built good relationships throughout his several years working backstage.

What's next?

Well, if last week is anything to go by, WWE has definitely turned a corner. Tonight's SmackDown is must-see. Over to you, Bischoff!

Are you excited by the changes on RAW? Let us know in the comments.

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