
WWE Rumors: Powerful WWE higher-up unhappy with Current Champion; calls him "small"

Triple H can't be happy
Triple H can't be happy

What's the story?

There was an era where anyone who was less than 6'2 in height would be considered a non-championship material performer. However, thanks to Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart that trend soon started changing.

Even now, WWE still relies on bigger superstars like Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns as the star attractions, but a lot more opportunities have opened up for smaller athletes.

However, it looks like a certain Champion may not be favored by WWE due to his size.

In case you didn't know...

Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa are two pillars of NXT. The two are former Tag Team Champions and gave the fans one of the most compelling feuds in recent memory after Ciampa turned on his friend soon after they failed to regain the NXT Championships.

The two men went on to have a series of battles which were loved by fans and critics alike. Unfortunately, it seems that the WWE higher-ups were not impressed.

The heart of the matter

Brad Shepard spoke to an unnamed WWE higher official and revealed what he thought about the current NXT Champion Johny Gargano and the former Champion Tommaso Ciampa.

“I love your jabs at Gargano and Becky. I’m sure it’s good for your business to drive everyone mad and does he really have 5 star matches? I’ve never been impressed. I sound old when I say this but a bunch of kickouts after finishes is not 5 stars. I never liked the Ciampa/Gargano series because those matches should’ve ended a dozen times. And yes, both guys are small.”

What's next?

Gargano has become the poster boy for NXT and even though he made a few appearances on the main roster, it looks like it would be a better idea for Johny Wrestling to stick to NXT as of now.

Also Read: Former WWE Champion to be out of action till 2020 due to injury; WWE worried

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