
WWE Rumors - Vince McMahon sees nothing in a RAW Superstar Paul Heyman wants to push

Vince McMahon/ Paul Heyman.
Vince McMahon/ Paul Heyman.

The WWE roster is stacked with some of the best talents in the world and it's extremely difficult to get over in the eyes of the management. One such Superstar is Cedric Alexander, who may never quite make it in the WWE.

Dave Meltzer revealed on the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Radio that the company has no plans for the former Cruiserweight Champion.

They’ve got no plans for Alexander. He’s a talented guy, but his number is just not being called.

Paul Davies of WrestlingNews.co had more details on Alexander's WWE status.

It's being reported that Vince McMahon has completely given up on the Superstar. There is no backstage heat between Alexander and McMahon, and it's just that the WWE Boss doesn't see him as a top star.

Heyman reportedly attempted to push Cedric higher up the card but McMahon decided to bury him. Alexander was involved in a top angle featuring Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon in July last year, but he quickly lost momentum after the WWE dropped the ball on him.

A source also told WrestlingNews.co's Davies that while McMahon does listen to Heyman's ideas, the WWE head honcho can be very close-minded at times and when it comes to Alexander, McMahon gave up on the Superstar a long time ago.

The former 205 Live talent was convincingly beaten by Angel Garza on the most recent episode of RAW and what makes the loss even worse is that the babyface was defeated by a weakened heel.

Alexander has been used sporadically in the past few months and even when he gets a few matches on TV, he is sadly used as a glorified enhancement talent who gets squashed with ease.

The 30-year-old Superstar is great in the ring and also possesses the charisma to make it big in the WWE with the right booking, however, the company is just not willing to give him a sustained push.

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