
WWE Rumors: Vince McMahon breaks up duo merely because he 'hated' it

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon

What's the story?

If there was ever a list of the biggest disasters happening to the careers of NXT Superstars on joining the main roster, EC3 would certainly be around the top of that list.

The former Impact Wrestling Champion has been floundering on the main roster ever since he made his debut, and things just keep getting worse for him.

It was reported recently that WWE were planning to pair him up with Drake Maverick to make things more interesting. Unfortunately for the two, when that did happen, Vince McMahon did not like the pairing at all.

In case you didn't know...

Drake Maverick is not only the current GM on 205 Live, but has also managed the Authors of Pain in the past.

Maverick and EC3 were paired together during a dark match on SmackDown Live a few weeks back, indicating that the two may form a partnership going forward; however, that wasn't the case at all.

The heart of the matter

WON revealed that the reason the two were paired up was for a trial run with some "manager spots" in a match against Luke Harper. However unfortunately for them, Vince McMahon was not too pleased with the final outcome.

[Harper] was basically used as the opponent to test out the EC3 and Maverick pairing as wrestler/manager. The agents set up a bunch of manager spots in the match. Vince then watched it and said he hated the manager spots.

(H/T Credit: ringsidenews.com)

This is rather unfortunate as EC3 and Maverick have been friends from their time in Impact Wrestling, and their personal bond could have reflected well in the on-screen pairing as well.

What's next?

It looks like WWE still have no major plans for EC3 and will continue to waste him on the main roster in the foreseeable future.

Also Read: RAW Superstar to be sent back to NXT as punishment

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