
WWE Rumors: WWE planning a huge swerve at The Royal Rumble?

WWE has become known for their swerves over the years
WWE has become known for their swerves over the years

What's the story?

It's now become clear that either R-Truth or Jinder Mahal will be number 30 in the men's Royal Rumble and Dave Meltzer weighed in on the prospect of the company swerving the fans at the end of the match instead.

In case you didn't know...

WWE revealed a few weeks ago that the male and female winners of the second Mixed Match Challenge would be handed the number 30 slots in next year's respective Royal Rumble matches. This was before there were a number of substitutions throughout the competition, which has left the final between just about the only two teams that managed to remain intact throughout.

The final will be contested between R-Truth, Carmella, Alicia Fox and Jinder Mahal, which is slightly underwhelming given the names that started out in the competition.

The heart of the matter

Dave Meltzer recently revealed on The Wrestling Observer that he believes that WWE has a swerve install since he can't see the company building up through the whole match and then having R-Truth or Jinder Mahal and the underwhelming entrants at number 30.

“I smell a swerve in that number 30 men’s spot. They have to, because I can’t imagine they’re gonna do the whole Royal Rumble and everyone knows R-Truth is coming out at number 30. Or you know, who’s the other choice? Jinder. It ain’t gonna be him. Whichever one, I think we’re gonna get a big surprise. I don’t know who it’s gonna be but I can’t imagine — I could be dead wrong — but I can’t imagine doing a whole Royal Rumble and then number 30 [be either Mahal or Truth]," he said via Ringsidenews.

One of the best surprises in Rumble history came when Test was attacked at The Royal Rumble back in 2004 and Sheriff Austin then told his attacker that he would have to take his place as the number 21 entrant. This surprise entrant later became Mick Foley and WWE could be planning the same thing again next year.

What's next?

WWE has a number of swerves that they could pull, including bringing R-Truth in at number 30 for the Women's Rumble instead of the men's, which would definitely be interesting. This would only work if Truth wins on Sunday night and he and Carmella are given the slots at next year's show.

Do you think WWE will pull a huge swerve? Have your say in the comments section below...

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