
WWE Rumours: Backstage update on Roman Reigns turning Heel

Roman reigns has faced the ire of the crowds in various arenas across the United States

WWE wants us to believe that our views affect their booking decisions. It is often true in cases such as Daniel Bryan main eventing WrestleMania 30 and coming out of the event with the gold or as recently as AJ Styles becoming the WWE World Champion. But when Roman Reigns comes into the discussion, the picture is slightly different.

It has been well-documented that Vince McMahon is a vocal supporter of Roman Reigns and has pushed him to the moon giving him a Royal Rumble win and two successive WrestleMania main events. But many in the WWE Universe have opposed this. The result – Roman’s entrance theme has been overshadowed by the chorus of boos at every event he has been in.

In the recent past, however, WWE have kept Reigns away from the title picture. He has come up for main events for both pay per views as well as Monday Night RAW, but he hasn’t bagged the gold. He even put over the likes of Ambrose, Rollins and Finn Balor.

There are many in the WWE Universe that have voiced their opinions that Roman Reigns should be turned heel. His wrestling style fits the definition of a big bad guy who beats up people and the boos would actually mean that he is getting genuine heel heat from the audience.

But WWE has still been making money hands over fist, with Reigns being a face that is booed. It is certain that John Cena is now working on borrowed time and soon the prince of the ‘Roman Empire’ will claim his position at the top of the roster. Like it or not, Reigns is this generation’s Cena.

However, to the dismay of many hardcore wrestling fans, WWE creative has never even weighed the consequences of turning Reigns heel since The Shield disbanded back in 2014. It is worthwhile to mention that it is going to be a long time before the idea of a heel turn for Roman is even talked about in the WWE meeting rooms. 

Reigns is currently locked in a feud with United States Champion Rusev that will see the two go one on one at Clash of Champions for the titleReigns is a favourite to emerge out of the match as champ and spend some time in the mid card. It would also garner some attention and respect for the United States title if Reigns does have a title reign. 

It is often a prolonged heel run that finally makes a superstar that great babyface. That was how things were with the Rock. But the Rock was and still continues to be one of the best talkers in the history of the company. Reigns needs to find another way to get over with the fans. If not a heel turn, maybe a reunion with former Shield members could do the trick. Whatever WWE creative decide, Roman has to be the one to run with the gimmick and carve out a niche for himself.

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