
WWE Rumors: Bayley to win RAW Women's Championship at WrestleMania and feud with heel Sasha Banks after

Bayley and Sasha Banks have a storied rivalry

What’s the story?

According to Cage Side Seats, the direction of the RAW Women’s Championship is for Bayley to win the title at WrestleMania and eventually face a heel Sasha Banks at Summerslam. 

In case you didn’t know...

Bayley is already in a program with Charlotte for the RAW Women’s Championship. She challenged the Queen Of PPV at Royal Rumble but was ultimately unsuccessful. She is set to take on Charlotte again next week on RAW for the Women’s Championship.

Charlotte currently holds a 16-0 record in Pay-Per-View championship matches, thus being termed as the Queen Of PPV. 

Sasha Banks, upon the end of her feud with Charlotte at Roadblock: End Of The Line has been feuding with Nia Jax. She lost two consecutive times to her – At Royal Rumble, and on RAW the night after. She has been showing signs of turning heel of late, and there is no doubt that the seeds are being planted for a heel Sasha vs. Bayley feud down the line. 

The rumoured WrestleMania 33 match for the RAW Women’s Championship is said to be a fatal-4-way match between Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Nia Jax.

The heart of the matter

Bayley winning the Championship would be a rather rapid rise to the top, unlike her time in NXT, where her character spent years developing before eventually winning the NXT Women's Championship at Brooklyn. Sasha and Bayley both often repeat that their dream match is against each other. Particularly at WrestleMania. 

While their paths likely won’t cross for a singles match at WrestleMania this time around, it may eventually down the line. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley is one of the most critically acclaimed women’s feuds in WWE history, particularly for their two instant classic matches at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn, and NXT Takeover: Respect, the latter of which was an Iron Man match.

What is interesting is that if the two are to feud in the summer, it gives Bayley three months to fill in. The question would be as to who would be her challengers. A returning Paige would be a good idea, and even possibly Emma. 

The key is to make sure that the feuds between WrestleMania and Summerslam are not simply fillers.

What’s next? 

Bayley, the ultimate underdog of the women’s division will find her way and may very well win the RAW Women’s Championship. A good story can be made if Charlotte does not get pinned at WrestleMania, extending the Charlotte-Bayley rivalry, at least for another month.

Sportskeeda’s take

While Bayley’s journey and rise to the top should take it’s time and run an organic course, a feud with a heel Sasha Banks is ideal. Sasha Banks has proven in NXT that she works better as a heel, and thus has not yet shown her full potential on the main roster.

From the look of it, the seeds have been planted for a heel turn sometime down the road. It could even be a month or more after WrestleMania. 

A heel Sasha Banks would do wonders for the division, but WWE will need to get a top babyface to fill her spot. Perhaps Paige could fill Sasha’s babyface spot, once she returns. Regardless, 2017 looks to be yet another incredible history making year for the women of WWE.

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