
WWE Rumours: Roman Reigns to remain a babyface and Seth Rollins to remain a heel

Seth Rollins with Roman Reigns

If you, like many fans belonging to the pro-wrestling fraternity, were wondering why Roman Reigns hasn’t been turned heel despite being booed viciously, or why an extremely over Seth Rollins was unnecessarily turned heel after coming back from injury, look no further than the usual suspect.

Yes, Vince McMahon strikes again.

If cagesideseats.com is to be believed, the word on the former Shield brothers is that Vince McMahon likes their characters the way they are; meaning that there is as much chance as Roman Reigns turning heel as, say, John Cena.

And we all know how probable that one is.

On the flipside, McMahon opted on keeping Rollins heel as he apparently believes that he can go on to become one of the top heels the industry has ever seen. This assessment though, is something that most WWE fans would concur with him on.

I guess the WWE can’t afford to keep everyone happy at all times, can they?



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