WWE Rumours: Sting versus Undertaker still a possibility at WrestleMania 32

Crisis seems to bring out the best in WWE Creative. After tasing us with Simba walking out to "Here Comes The Money" a couple of weeks ago, it seems like they’re again bouncing around, pulling all sorts of levers and concocting something dangerous-looking, faces a bit like Jack Nicholson (The Shining, not Batman).
There has been recent backstage murmurs of Sting returning for WrestleMania. Said murmurs predate Shane-O's homecoming by a few weeks, according to dailywrestlingnews.com. Sting and Undertaker were used in the same sentence and there were rumours of a program between him and the Wyatt Family.
John Cena was considered, but with his non-participation confirmed by the man himself at a recent press conference, that match is a dead-end. It could be surmised from these reports that Sting is in shape to wrestle, but there is no confirmation yet. An update on the Icon’s health is expected soon.
That leaves just the Wyatts. Previous reports have suggested that they will have a big role in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, although the math is a little confusing. With this being billed as the biggest WrestleMania of all time and close to being sold out, a Sting vs Bray Wyatt match will most certainly guarantee rich dividends.