
WWE Rumours: Update on Shane McMahon's status with WWE

Shane McMahon’s stay with WWE is only temporary

Shane McMahon’s return to WWE programming has revitalized the product to an extent that even WWE has not hoped for. The fans had welcomed the prodigal son with open arms and are clearly showing their support for him vocally every night. This has caused some complications in WWE’s plans as Shane was never meant to stay for longer.

According to Cagesideseats, the original plans regarding Shane McMahon’s appearance in WWE programming was just to have him for the WrestleMania match. But, later WWE found out that his match with Taker at Mania has moved tickets a lot faster than they would have thought possible. As a result, WWE decided to stick with Shane appearing on WWE programming for a while longer.

It is also rumoured that Shane won’t appear for long in WWE television and the angle for control might end sooner than anyone might have anticipated. Shane’s temporary stay in WWE has reinvigorated WWE, but Shane may only be in WWE for, at max, a few months and the story is rumoured to end at SummerSlam with Stephanie getting upper hand probably.

It would be interesting to see how WWE plays this. Shane is undeniably a crowd favorite and WWE would look to use it to their advantage in any way possible. WWE might also try to introduce a manager in proxy for Shane if they did not want to let fans know that Shane is no longer with WWE.

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