
WWE Rumours: Will Paul Heyman appear on tonight's Raw to promote Brock's fight at SummerSlam?

Paul Heyman is set to appear before Brock Lesnar to hype his match up

Unlike UFC, the build up for a fight in the pro-wrestling industry is as important as the fight. After Brock’s spectacular win at UFC 200, it is only natural for the fans to expect the WWE to capitalize on that. In case, if you are hoping Paul Heyman to appear on tonight’s Raw and rant about Brock’s greatness, then expect to get that hope crushed.

According to the reports, neither Brock nor Paul Heyman will appear on tonight’s Raw. Paul Heyman, who is scheduled to return to the squared circle before Brock Lesnar to build up the fight, is said to be busy with his personal projects. He was reportedly in Las Vegas during the fight, but he will be heading to UK for his one-man shows with Inside The Ropes. Hence it is safe to assume that we won’t be hearing any “Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat” rants today.

The Viper, who is set to face Brock at SummerSlam, will also be returning only after the draft. But, it can’t be said that the WWE will not utilize Brock’s UFC win in any form. The WWE will probably hype the match using some promo videos. But, nothing WWE does can equal Paul Heyman’s brilliance on the mic.

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