
WWE's WrestleMania main event is shaping up nicely

In all Likelihood, these three women will close out the show at Wrestlemania
In all Likelihood, these three women will close out the show at Wrestlemania

Even with the ratings not recovering after the "intervention" from the McMahons in December last year and WWE really struggling to improve the show, there's still one shining light among all this and that has to be the women's division.

This year it's highly likely that It'll be the first time that women wrestlers will close out WrestleMania and up until now, you've got to admit that WWE has been bang on with the way it has built up the match.

In all probability that match is going to be a triple threat featuring three of the biggest names in the women's wrestling today in Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Ronda Rousey. Becky Lynch is the de-facto face in this match with Charlotte being the heel and Ronda being the one in the middle and the incumbent champion. 

The best part of this feud has been the use of social media to hype this match even further especially the recent expletives laden exchange between Becky Lynch and Ronda Rousey which seemed to even cross some boundaries as well with Ronda threatening to go off script and beat up Becky(something which may have not gone with the WWE either).

Ronda threatened to go off script in their recent exchange on twitter
Ronda threatened to go off script in their recent exchange on twitter

All in all, one thing is for sure, the women are leaving no stone unturned to make their segment a success at Wrestlemania. Charlotte Flair has been able to generate so much heat against her for the match, especially after taking Becky's place in the match, while Becky herself has been playing her role of fighting against the odds.

Ronda, for her part, has herself upped her game in the recent weeks and is equal at every level to the other two women. From the methodical buildup to the seamless execution, we can say that at least the Main Event for WrestleMania seems to be on track for WWE.

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