
WWE SmackDown 20th September 2016: 5 Points to Note

Guess who lost this week? This guy!

Dean Ambrose said what many have felt for quite a few weeks. Smackdown is the best wrestling show on television, folks! And this was great coming from a man who beat John Cena fair and square in the middle of the ring. This was glorious. The best characters on Smackdown had much material to play out today and please start watching Talking Smack. WHAT. A. SHOW.

This week two matches were well hyped. Ambrose Vs Cena and The Miz taking on Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship. Clash of Champions is this Sunday, but Smackdown has more momentum going than Raw ever did.

Here are the 5 points to note from the best WWE show.

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