
WWE SmackDown: 5 Reasons why Becky Lynch will wrestle twice at Money in The Bank 2019

Why is WWE making Becky Lynch wrestle twice on pay-per-view?
Why is WWE making Becky Lynch wrestle twice on pay-per-view?

I mean, on the surface of it, I know what you guys are thinking. Becky Lynch has two Championships and so, it only makes sense for her to defend them twice on pay-per-view. But there could be a lot to this than meets the eye, like everything else that WWE does. Let's take a more in-depth look at this situation.

So at Money In The Bank 2019, Becky Lynch will first take on Lacey Evans. And then, not long after, she will also take on another member of the WWE roster- Charlotte Flair. Both of her Championships will be on the line during the matches.

Let us analyze why she will be doing so. Feel free to leave a comment and let us know your thoughts and your opinions.

I'm quite curious to hear what you guys have to say as well...

#5 To possibly make Charlotte Flair a 9-time Champion

One of the things that I'm convinced about is that Charlotte Flair will be the woman to break Ric Flair's long standing 16-Championship record soon. And this could be the reason why WWE has not allowed John Cena to break the record yet. Charlotte is already a record 8 time champion, and a 9th win could be coming her way very soon indeed.

If you had to look for the Ric Flair of the women's division, I daresay that nobody fits the bill better than Charlotte Flair does. She's got her father's athleticism and charisma and puts on great matches, elevating her opponents too.But I don't need to tell you why she deserves to be a multi time champion.

So, Lacey Evans may come up short against Becky Lynch. But I'm pretty sure that Charlotte Flair will not.

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