
WWE SmackDown - 5 Surprises that could happen- Roman Reigns suspended, Brand new General Manager appointed?

So much could happen on this week's edition of SmackDown
So much could happen on this week's edition of SmackDown

WWE SmackDown is going to be the show to watch this Friday night because two massive matches have already been announced for the upcoming show.

Despite the fact that RAW Legends Night did not deliver as we assumed it would, WWE SmackDown has been consistent in terms of quality and this week's show should certainly be no different.

Here are 5 surprises that could potentially play out on this week's edition of WWE SmackDown, to set the stage for the 2021 Royal Rumble, later this month. Feel free to weigh in, in the comments section below with your thoughts, views, and comments about the 'surprises' listed.

In fact, one legend from WWE RAW Legends Night could certainly make her presence felt on WWE SmackDown.

#5 Roman Reigns attacks Adam Pearce on WWE SmackDown, gets suspended by Vince McMahon soon after

Roman Reigns clearly has a bone to pick with Adam Pearce, who made a match on WWE SmackDown that was not to his liking. There is bound to be some kind of consequence on this week's edition of WWE SmackDown, where he lays his hands on a WWE official. And as a consequence, Roman Reigns could be written off TV for a brief spell.

Do remember that it was only last week on WWE SmackDown, where he and Jey Uso inflicted pain and punishment upon Kevin Owens too.

All of these things combined could result in a Roman Reigns vs. WWE management storyline, where he becomes the scourge of the company, earning massive heel heat in the process.

And maybe Daniel Bryan is irked at how his friends have been treated, and it results in a feud between him and Roman Reigns for the WWE Universal Championship.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, don't they?

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