
WWE SmackDown - Best and worst- Big mistake with Roman Reigns, Spoiler on Seth Rollins' future, Failed experiment?

Seth Rollins closed this week's show with a massive victory
Seth Rollins closed this week's show with a massive victory

Phillipa from Sportskeeda summed up WWE SmackDown in the best possible way once it was done and dusted. While the author wondered whether we, the team, had built up the show to be bigger than it eventually turned out to be, she said that 'the more educated you become about wrestling, the less you tend to enjoy it.'

There was very little wrong with WWE SmackDown honestly. It was a great show despite the fact that the only real surprise was spoiled beforehand. And yet, somehow, fans had created so many possibilities in their heads with Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks, that they did feel a tad disappointed.

So, with that said, did WWE SmackDown deliver or not? Take a look at the ups and downs in this week's edition of Best and Worst.

Be sure to leave a comment and let us know whether you liked the show or not in the section right below.

Also, how cool was it to see Vince McMahon open the show with those six unforgettable words- 'where the hell have you been?'

#3 Best/worst: Has a WWE SmackDown storyline failed already?

Baron Corbin's promo was excellent. That said, the WWE SmackDown crowd clearly weren't buying the act at all as they booed him out of the building.

If the idea is to build sympathy for Baron Corbin, then it is clearly not working in a live setting. The pop that Kevin Owens got for the stunner, however, was thunderous and one has to imagine that the former King Corbin will remain a heel for some time now.

Corbin is clearly invested in this character and is giving it his all. However, whether it gets over or not still remains to be seen.

Was it the right idea to have him eat the stunner from the most popular babyface on WWE SmackDown?

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