WWE SmackDown - Best and worst- Face turn teased, Big issue with Zelina Vega's comeback, Ideal replacement for Lars Sullivan?

WWE SmackDown was a pretty good show from top to bottom even though Roman Reigns wasn't around this week. Nothing during the show dragged on, most things had a sense of purpose, and even though some of the matches felt like we'd seen them before, they delivered.
Of course, you could have a completely different viewpoint when it comes to WWE SmackDown, and hence, we invite you to weigh in, in the comments. Feel free to praise any aspect of the show, even if it goes against our assessment and/or just rant away in the space below.
So, this is how we felt about this week's WWE SmackDown episode...
Note: There really isn't anything to mention about Edge's final segment with Jimmy Uso, which was great, but nothing extraordinary. Hence, we have left it out from this assessment.
#3 Best/Worst: WWE SmackDown star headed for a face turn?
The whole 'bad luck' arc that WWE SmackDown star Baron Corbin's life seems to have taken is the most interesting thing to have happened to him in quite some time. In fact, the segment with Rick Boogs backstage, where he cracked one bad pun after another, seemed to paint Corbin in a very different light. In this scenario, Boogs came across as the heel and Corbin, the babyface.
Anyone who watches The Walking Dead can draw parallels between King Corbin and King Ezekiel as two kings who lost their crowns, who had it all only to lose it all. This is great storytelling.
The question, of course, is whether people will offer sympathy to WWE SmackDown star, Corbin! He played a heel with so much conviction for so very long that the audience may not entirely buy this storyline at all. We have to wait and see what happens.