
WWE SmackDown Live Preview: 25th October 2016

Can Ambrose become the new contender?

Turning a local jobber into a quasi-main eventer has been the story of SmackDown Live for the past couple of weeks. After getting squashed by Braun Strowman, James Ellsworth was shot to stardom thanks to some intelligent booking from WWE. He has turned into a sensation due to this, but there are other things to be worried about this week.

SmackDown will play host to some interesting matches and a huge return on Tuesday night and as they don’t have the pressure of making last minute decorations for Hell in a Cell, we can expect another solid show.

So here are the things that we should look out for at this week’s SmackDown Live.

#5 Will WWE add another superstar into the title picture?

One more time

After a few weeks of James Ellsworth, WWE is back on track with the AJ Styles – Dean Ambrose feud. The exclusion of John Cena from the feud was covered up with the shenanigans of Ellsworth. This match might not be for the championship, but it would determine whether or not Ambrose would be the number one contender or not.

The outing would be highly predictable for the fans as there is no one else near the championship scene. This opens up the door for WWE to push someone from the midcard and give them a place in the main event scene.

The ideal person for this would be Baron Corbin who has been getting some momentum lately. A push into the title scene would be a big step up for him. Interference against Ambrose would be a great way for Corbin’s introduction. 

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