
WWE SmackDown Live Results 14th March 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

This episode of SmackDown was a landmark of sorts for AJ Styles 


SmackDown Live took place in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania this week. The show started off with AJ Styles confronting Daniel Bryan backstage. Styles threated to smack Daniel Bryan when he asked Styles to calm down. Bryan told Styles that Shane wasn’t there so Styles headed out to address the WWE Universe.

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AJ Styles addresses the WWE Universe

Styles was greeted by a huge pop by the fans in Pittsburg who chanted “AJ Styles”. 

AJ came out and said that he had to “jump through hoops like a circus monkey” who just had to go ask Daniel Bryan for a title match and got it. Styles then added that he never got a one-on-one rematch after John Cena beat him. Instead he got the Elimination Chamber match which he almost won before having to face Randy Orton even though he ‘won’ the battle royal.

Styles then added that after the 2016 he had, he was the reason the fans were in the arena. After all this, he still didn’t have a match at WrestleMania. He then called out Shane, saying that they’d have a conversation about his career later on in the night.

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