
WWE SmackDown Live Results January 24th 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

The Miz & Maryse made an unreasonable demand when they walked into Daniel Bryan’s office


SmackDown Live started off with The Miz & Maryse coming into Daniel Bryan’s office. The Miz was furious about the fact that he and Maryse did not get a private dressing room. Daniel Bryan joked about giving them the restroom. He then said that he would give The Miz a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship.

The Miz tried to get a No disqualification stipulation added to the match, but Daniel Bryan made it a lumberjack match since The Miz made a comment earlier that he “pays all the superstars’ salaries”.


A recap of the dissent in the Wyatt Family was shown. The match up next was a “brother vs brother” match.


Randy Orton vs Luke Harper

The Viper got the better of Luke Harper

The crowd was well behind Randy. Harper started off the offence. Bray Wyatt was not acknowledging either of them. It didn't take long for Randy to get back, as he hit Harper with a DDT from the middle ropes. He teased an RKO but Harper slid under the ring outside.

Randy then slammed Harper against the barricade, and then on the announce table. Harper retaliated with a big boot, but Randy got him down and went back in the ring. He was about to get counted out, but Bray would not permit it and threw Harper back in the ring.

After the commercial break, Bray observed on as Harper had Randy in a chin lock. From the top rope, Randy hit a super plex.  Harper hit Randy with a European uppercut, and as he rebounded, Randy hit him with the scoop slam.

The back and forth then saw Harper hit the Michinoku driver. Orton tried hitting an RKO, but Harper countered that to a roll-up, which only saw a two-count. 

Harper then hit the Discus clothesline, but Randy once again kicked out at two. This finally got a reaction from Bray Wyatt, who was smiling.  Harper tried hitting a powerbomb on Randy, but he escaped, as Harper turned around, he was met with an RKO. Randy took a few seconds but then covered Harper for a 3 count. 

Randy Orton defeated Luke Harper

After the match, Bray shook Randy’s hand, and as he looked to go help Harper up, he gave him a Sister Abigail and walked away with Randy.


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