WWE SmackDown Live Results November 7th 2017, Latest SmackDown winners and video highlights

Was AJ Styles able to become a 2-time WWE Champion? Was Becky Lynch able to get her rightful payoff? Find out what happened on this eventful episode of SmackDown Live!
A war of words kicks off SmackDown Live

Shane McMahon condemned Kurt Angle & Stephanie McMahon for what happened to Daniel Bryan on RAW last week with Kane. Shane then introduced The New Day, who he was very proud of.
Not that it's of much relevance, but the editing of this segment was quite badly done and you could even spot the piped in cheers from a mile away.
Anyway, Kofi said that Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose losing the RAW Tag Team Titles wasn't their intention, but those were the consequences of Under Siege. They started doing their usual schtick and Shane even began shaking his hips with them, only to be interrupted by Kevin Owens and a bubbly Sami Zayn.
Kevin Owens said that "that" was the most painful thing he had to watch(which is kind of true). Sami said that he "hated" to be the one to break it to Shane, but he's not cool whatsoever and shouldn't dance. The New Day mocked Zayn back for his bubbly entrance.
Kevin Owens said that Shane was still mad about losing to him at Hell In A Cell and Sami Zayn said that he didn't fit into the Shane McMahon propaganda regime. They start arguing about not being on the Survivor Series team.
New Day, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn started getting into a back and forth banter about Zayn looking like a 1930s paperboy and Owens never visiting a gym, among other things.
Shane McMahon would then go on to berate Owens & Zayn before setting up a match between Zayn and Kofi Kingston, which was up next!