
WWE SmackDown Live vs WWE Raw: Who had the best show this week?

It’s close!

At 7-6 in Raw’s favour, things couldn’t be closer in terms of who is pumping out a better product each week. The general consensus is that SmackDown has obliterated Raw, but after analysing every week, I feel this is a fair score, and Raw has been getting a bad rap.

With this Raw being the go-home show for Hell in a Cell, you would expect it to blow SmackDown out of the water so that people are excited for the triple main event on Sunday.

However, after SmackDown posted a loss last week in my book, they have some catching up to do. Hopefully, they can get back even, and make up for what can only be described as a bit of an abomination last week.

Without further ado, let’s find out who had the best show this week:


The new Wyatt Family?

Okay, that title is a bit misleading, but has Randy Orton joined the Wyatt family? He RKO’d Kane, seemingly to give Wyatt the win, then slithered out of the ring without explanation or without pledging full allegiance to the self-proclaimed God.

It was a great way to end the no DQ match and left us with many more questions, which will make us tune in next week and that’s definitely what it’s all about.

I just hope that if they are going down this route, they go whole hog with it. They shouldn’t turn Randy face within two weeks and back to his old persona. They did the same when Cena joined Nexus (could have been a great time to turn him heel) and they did the same when Daniel Bryan joined the Wyatts (where was his goat mask?).

Only time will tell here, but it’s a really cool storyline so far.

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